Three's Company (Taylor's Tales)

Three's Company (Taylor's Tales) by E.C. Panhoff Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Three's Company (Taylor's Tales) by E.C. Panhoff Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.C. Panhoff
    At work, Lou kept pestering Taylor for details about his rendezvous with June. “Hold on. I’m almost done.” Taylor straddled the Suzuki GZ250 and kicked the tranny into neutral. He rolled the bike into the corner and dropped the kickstand. Climbing off he said, “Ok. Here’s what happened.”
    Lou wiped the grease off his hands with a shop towel and leaned against the shop bench listening. Taylor went into his monologue explaining what he had done—the different positions he and June went through and how he was going to see her and Ella tomorrow.
    “What dud e? You’re going to have a threesome! Man, I can’t wait to hear about that.” Lou shouted.
    “Shhh! I don’t need the whole world knowing my business.”
    “Oh. Sorry dude. Anyway, did you see the new girl in the front? She’s cute.”
    “Yeah, I saw her. She came in after I was already here.”
    “I’m going to go talk to her. Watch the master at work.” Lou said and then strolled off.
    Lou tried to ask her out and be all smooth, but he bombed. She was sweet about it though. She simply said “No thanks,” but she mentioned she wasn’t seeing anybody.
    “You think you can do better?” Lou asked.
    “Probably not.”
    “Come on then. Give it a try.”
    Taylor strolled over trying to keep his cool. She was in the middle of ringing up a customer, so he walked slower. The slow pace gave him time to get a good look at her. Her upper body was visible above the counter. She had blonde hair tied in a pony tail and her breasts were small, yet perky. Taylor went up to her and introduced himself.
    “Welcome to the shop. I’m Taylor.”
    “Hi , I’m Amy. You’re a tech here, right?”
    “Yeah. Just wanted to welcome you to the shop. So I’ll catch you around . Maybe we can get lunch one of these days.”
    “I’d like that.”
    Taylor waved. “Bye.”
    Taylor walked back to Lou.
    “Struck out, huh?”
    “Nope. Just laying the ground work. You’ll see. Anyway, even if I did strike out, I’m going to be with two girls tomorrow. It’s gonna be awesome.”
    “What if it isn’t?”
    “How can it not be? It’s two girls. Even if they just stand there naked and look at me, it’d be awesome.”
    “Good point. Hey watch out here she comes.”
    “Watch and learn.” Taylor told Lou.
    “Hey, Taylor. I was wondering…I was going to paint my bedroom tomorrow. Would you…maybe want to help me?”
    “Yeah, no problem.”
    “How about around 11?”
    “Can’t do that early. I’m busy.”
    “Busy doing what?”
    “Having sex with two women.”
    She laughed. “You’re funny. Okay mister threesome, what times good for you?”
    “It would have to be after 1pm. Gotta get a little rest after pleasing two girls you know.”
    “That’s cool.” She wrote something down on a post-it. “Here’s my address.”
    Taylor took the post-it and read it. She lived somewhere in Brooklyn. He looked up in time to catch her walking away. What she was lacking upstairs, she made up for downstairs. She had a thin waist and her hips didn’t lie.
    Taylor waved the post-it and fanned himself. “That’s how you do it.”
    Lou rolled his eyes. “Whatever dude.”
    Taylor stepped off the elevator onto the third floor. He turned left and walked down the corridor to the apartment at the end. In usual fashion, the door cracked open and June peeked out. She shut the door behind them and yelled something out in Korean. Leading Taylor passed the phone girl, whose work area was blocked by one of those foldable wardrobe change partitions, he could hear her making an appointment with a client.
    They entered the bedroom on the far side of the apartment and June began making preparations. She pulled the usual suspects from the end table by the bed —condoms, a box of tissues, and lube. Making her way around the bed, she opened the closet door and retrieved three towels. Taylor couldn’t help but admire her simple

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