Throwing Love #5 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #5)

Throwing Love #5 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #5) by Nella Tyler Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Throwing Love #5 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #5) by Nella Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nella Tyler
action finally. It is
not so much about what you learned in the textbook, it was more about having a
hands-on experience doing the one thing you loved. And I truly loved every
moment of it.
    I was talented enough myself that I had no doubt that I
would be able to secure a position with the team after I graduated college. I
knew exactly what I was doing and I was really good at it. I was there on that
particular day to cover the game. I sketched out the play by play as I sat in
the stadium with a beer in my hand. Did I happen to mention that I loved my
job? But it was more than that, so much more. It wasn't just about this
particular game with this particular team. I had a lot more invested in the
team's wellbeing that extended far beyond my sportscaster duties.
    I loved baseball, there was no denying that, and as a
sportscaster, I would probably try to remain as close to baseball as possibly
could because it held a special place in my heart. I love so many things about
it, and I couldn't really see myself loving any other sport more.
    Watching the game, I could tell it was a close one, and the
Stingrays were going to go up to bat next. But I was hopeful they could pull
out a win, they had some extraordinary talent.
    There was my father, standing off to the side overseeing the
game as he always did. As I watch the batters get up, I took in the sight of my
father enjoying every bit of it. Being at the hospital had been scary, but he
had recovered fully and was healthier than ever.
    I love to watch my father work; he poured his heart and soul
into the game as he always did. That was why he was a legend, after all. He was
watching the game just as intently, maybe more, as I was. He loved it just as
much as I did. And we had an excellent team that year; we couldn’t have asked
for better players. They were going to take our team as far this it had ever
been. My father beamed with pride as he watched his players come closer and
closer to winning the game.
    It was hard to believe how different things had been a year
ago. My father being in the hospital after a heart attack and the relationship
between Bennett and I almost ending before we realized we would do just about
anything not to lose each other. We were so close to losing each other, until
we both came to our senses and realized that love really was more important
than anything else. I couldn't imagine where my life would have been right now
I'd I lost Bennett. Would I have met somebody else? Would I have always missed
him? Would I be dating yet another baseball player? Life had been basically
hanging in the balance back then, when my father suffered his heart attack. It
had come so very close to being a bad situation for him, and I was oh so glad
that he pulled through it. He had changed his diet and some of his bad habits
so that he could live a healthier lifestyle and be a part of all of our lives.
Considering everything that had happened since his heart attack, it was scary
to think how close he had come to not being part of any of it. The very thought
of it brought tears to my eyes and I was overcome with a feeling of
thankfulness, thankfulness for my father being in my life. To experience all
the joy that has been brought into my life and this past year. I had never been
happier and I was glad my father was there to see it all come around.
    Just then, my attention was torn away from my father and
brought back to the field. A new batter was coming up to the plate almost out
of nowhere. He stood there strong and ready, waiting for that ball to be thrown
his way. He hit a fantastic home run. It's actually the first home run this
player has hit in his entire major league career. I beamed with pride as I
stared down at him as he ran from plate to plate. There are two other players
on plates ahead of him and both my father and I stand up excitedly with the
rest of the fans. I could even see the excitement on my player’s face. He knew
he had done really, really well. And

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