Throwing Love #5 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #5)

Throwing Love #5 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #5) by Nella Tyler Read Free Book Online

Book: Throwing Love #5 (The Throwing Love Romance Series - Book #5) by Nella Tyler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nella Tyler
he was
there with me and it made me love him that much more.
    “I love you, Bennett, so very much.” He came over and
wrapped me in his arms and hugged me as tight as possible. He kissed me on top
of the head had never felt more safe in my entire life.

    Chapter Ten

    My father looked over at Bennett and said, “So is all this
true? You've really given up the chance of pitching a perfect game to be here
with my daughter? I didn't get to see any of your game before I collapsed and
was brought into the hospital. But by the sounds of it, you are doing pretty
great. Really gave all that up to be here at the hospital with Emmi?”
    “Yes, Sir. And I know that I let my team down when I did
so.” I knew by the look on Bennett's face that he was afraid my father was
going to be disappointed in him again. He was afraid that he was going to lose
his chance at being in the major leagues because he let his team down.
    “Like I said, Sir, I had to come because I'm in love with
Emmi. She is the most important person in the world to me and I need her by my
side or I am not going to be successful. I know you told me I could wait until
I got to the major leagues to find a girl, but that's just not going to happen.
Emmi is the only girl that I'm ever going to want. And I truly believe that I
can love her and play baseball and make it to the major leagues with her by my
side. I can do both, trust me.”
    I was overjoyed by what Bennett had to say about me and
about our relationship. I was a little nervous, however, that my father would
not approve. He hadn't exactly been the most supportive father during the
course of our relationship. And he had a large part in almost destroying it
– something that I would still one day talk to my father about. He can't
always be in control of everything, especially when it came to two people
falling in love and trying to make a situation work. I loved Bennett more than
anything. And it was just as important to his career that I am there to support
him all the way. Bennett was looking pretty nervous himself, as he looked at my
father hoping for the best. But to both of our surprise, that was not how my
father reacted at all. Steve smiled at Bennett and said, “You should never be
ashamed of the love you have for my daughter. To be honest, I had no idea. My
daughter isn’t exactly the best person to fill me in on these sorts of details.
She also probably thought I wouldn’t be very supportive and that's a mistake
that I made. What you did was noble and you should never apologize for doing
something noble. You both have my blessing in this relationship and I know,
Bennett, that if anyone can get to the big leagues with a girl on his arm it's
    We both laughed and embrace one another. I hugged Bennett
tighter than I've ever hugged anyone in my entire life. I was just so happy. We
parted our hug and kissed each other softly on the lips. It was a perfect


    One Year Later...
    The day was hot and humid, but I couldn't have been happier.
I was sitting in the stand at a home game for a professional baseball team
called the South Carolina Stingrays. It was my father's team, and there is no
better time to watch his team than now. I was focusing intently on the game; it
was, after all, my job now. Instead of classes, this particular semester I was
interning at the stadium of my father's team with hopes of securing a
sportscaster position when I graduated from college. My father couldn’t have
been happier that I wanted to intern for his team more than any other team. And
of course I would, where else would I be? I wanted nothing more than to be a
part of my father's team in a way that benefited my career, not necessarily as
a means of taking the reins once my father retired.
    I reveled in being around baseball. I was having so much
more fun now than I did in any classroom atmosphere had a college. That was the
best part of being an intern; you got to be part of the

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