Tides of Faith: Travail of The Dark Mage Book Two

Tides of Faith: Travail of The Dark Mage Book Two by Brian S. Pratt Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Tides of Faith: Travail of The Dark Mage Book Two by Brian S. Pratt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian S. Pratt
Tags: moral, Family, Magic, War, Thieves, friends, struggle, fighter, gods, mage, sword, quest, medieval action fantasy, Role playing, dungeon, rpg, swordsman, magic user
the basest and
most evil atrocities were said to be granted such an exalted
    “I didn’t know they held a presence in
the City of Light.”
    “Neither did anyone else.”
    Miko gazed off into the air as he
internally reflected upon the news. When his eyes once again grew
focused, he shook his head. “I cannot say as I am sorrowed to hear
T’Lea lost one of his faithful. The world will be a better
    Of the two gods, Dmon-Li and T’Lea,
T’Lea’s priests were by far the more evil. Where followers of
Dmon-Li tended to use evil measures as a means to an end, T’Lea’s
performed wanton acts of terror and malice out of pure
    “Any idea who it was that killed
    Father Tullin shook his head. “Not
    “Keep it discreet.”
    “As always.”
    When by the morning of the next day,
Tinok had still not surfaced, Jiron prevailed upon James to find
him through means magical. Miko offered the use of his mirrored
table which he readily accepted.
    While maintaining a visualization of
Tinok in his mind, James sent forth magic to find him. Seconds
passed and the magic flowed outward in an ever widening radius
until he felt the searching energy suddenly meld into a tight
    “I’ve got him.”
    Jiron gazed at the table as the
surface turned black. “Where is he?”
    James looked up from the table.
“Somewhere dark. Let me see if I can determine where this place
is.” Returning his attention to the dark image, he pulled the image
back until the darkness was replaced with a poorly maintained
shingled roof. Widening the scope still further, they made out a
street and several of the adjacent buildings, one of which was
boarded up and abandoned. The corral out back seemed to indicate it
had been a stable.
    “Do you know this place?” Miko
    Jiron nodded. “It’s on the other side
of town.”
    James glanced up from the image once
again. “Any idea why he’d be there?”
    “There’s nothing but abandoned
buildings. It used to be part of the old Merchant’s Quarter, but
after the war few of the owners returned. Vagrants, thieves and
others of ill repute call it home. Some of Scar and Potbelly’s
fighters live there as well.”
    “Could be why he’s there.”
    Their attention was drawn back to the
image when Tinok emerged from the building. Another man walked with
him, one that had the distinct look of being from the
    “Do you know him?” James
    “Never seen him before,” Jiron
    They watched as Tinok and the man
walked down the street. Upon reaching the next intersecting
cross-street, Tinok and the other fellow paused. Tinok passed a
small pouch to the other man, then they both went in opposite
    “What is he up to?”
    James cast a questioning glance to
Jiron who shrugged, then pointed to the man. “See where he
    “Shouldn’t we keep our eye on
    Jiron shook his head. “I know he’s
alright. It’s this other man that has me worried.”
    “As you wish.”
    The man continued down the street,
eventually making his way to the gate leading from the city. From
there, he went straightaway to the caravansary located at the
outskirts. One of the caravans encamped therein hailed from the
Empire. It was to that group of wagons that the man headed.
Entering the encampment, he strode toward a tent larger than the
rest having two guards stationed before the flap. Without
hesitation, he passed between the guards and disappeared
    Jiron turned a questioning look at
James. “Curious, how?”
    “If our assumption that Tinok killed
those four people hailing from the Empire is correct, then it just
seems odd that he would have any sort of contact with
    “I see your point.”
    James allowed the magic to fade and
the image atop the table to vanish. “In any event, we at least know
Tinok is okay.”
    Jiron nodded, then turned to Miko.
“You haven’t heard word

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