Transmission Lost

Transmission Lost by Stefan Mazzara Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Transmission Lost by Stefan Mazzara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stefan Mazzara
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction
rustling in a nearby clump of bushes. “What the hell was that?”
    “Quiet,” Aria said. She picked up her rifle slowly, aiming it carefully at the bushes.
    The rustling continued for several seconds, and then the bushes parted. Aria started to squeeze the trigger, but she stopped when she saw what had been causing the noise. A small, four-legged creature emerged from the vegetation, one of a species that they had seen several times since starting into the alien forest. The animal was about a meter long with a short tail and long black fur. It had a flat face, and a small pointed tooth protruded from each corner of its mouth. Though they seemed to be curious, Jack and Aria had quickly discovered that they were harmless. The ones they had seen had been more concerned with nipping leaves from the low plants than bothering them.
    As they watched, the creature slowly approached Aria, sniffing the air and gazing at her with shiny black eyes. It got within perhaps two feet of her before it stopped, its nose twitching. Baring her teeth, Aria growled at it, and the little animal's fur stood on end before it turned around and shot off into the woods. Jack grinned, a little amused by the display.
    “That wasn't very nice of you. Poor little thing.”
    Aria turned to him. “Better for us. Small animals attract big animals. Haven't seen big animals yet, would prefer not to.” She stood back up. “We start walking again, now, yes?”
    Standing up as well, Jack sighed. He picked his pack up and strapped it back on. “I suppose. Lead the way, your majesty...”
    The forest had grown dark before Aria finally called a halt. Jack was wiped out, and he was grateful that he could finally take a real rest. His relief was short-lived, however, because Aria immediately put him to work setting up an overnight campsite for them. While she gathered up some fallen wood to build a fire, Jack put together the tent and dug out a small hole as a makeshift fire pit. After the wood was gathered, Jack got the fire going and they both sat down to eat.
    The meal, as each meal they'd had since setting off, was packaged rations mostly from cans. As much as human technology had advanced through the centuries, Jack had to admit that one area which was still lacking was military food. At least the canned varieties were marginally better than the cardboard-packaged meals-ready-to-eat, commonly known as MREs. Jack thought that “meal” was a rather strong term to apply to the MREs. Plastic tubes of peanut butter, bags of beef jerky, and pouches of crumbly pound cake weren't his idea of fine cuisine. As they ate, he was about to comment on it when Aria beat him to it.
    “Ta'kri... ,” she muttered, looking in disgust at the unappetizing mush she was forcing herself to eat. “Human food not good at all. No wonder you all so short.” Her pointed ears twitched at a noise off in the forest, but whatever it was didn't seem to be close and she turned her attention back to her meal.
    Jack shrugged. “Well, it's military food. It's meant to fill you up, not pleasure your taste buds.” He choked down another bite. “I imagine it's the same with the Ailian military.”
    Aria stared at him for a few seconds, then she gave a low rumbling chuckle, presenting him with one of her tight little smiles. There was something almost friendly about it. Almost. “True enough, I think.”
    For the rest of the meal they ate in silence, listening to the sounds of the forest. Both of them were appreciative of the campfire; while the daytime had been very hot, the night was quickly growing cooler. Jack knew it would be a good idea to keep the fire going all night. Luckily, Aria had gathered enough wood that he figured that wouldn't be a problem.
    Swallowing his last bite, Jack set the empty can aside. “You know, ah...there's a question I've been meaning to ask you.”
    “Mm?” Aria twitched her tail, looking a little curious. “A question?”
    “Yeah.” He

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