Transmission Lost

Transmission Lost by Stefan Mazzara Read Free Book Online

Book: Transmission Lost by Stefan Mazzara Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stefan Mazzara
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction
to call for help. I'm assuming that means you're going to call the Ascendancy and tell them where you are so a rescue ship can pick you up.” Aria nodded. “So, then, what happens to me? I don't much fancy becoming a prisoner of war.”
    “Are one already,” Aria pointed out. “Besides. Rather be prisoner of war and alive, or left on uncharted planet and dead?”
    “Ah...Point taken.” Jack thought for a few more moments. “One other thing. How do I know you won't just kill me when you've got help on the way?”
    Aria looked genuinely surprised by that question. “Kill you? Why?”
    Jack cocked an eye at her. “Uh...You've already threatened to do that several times. I wouldn't call it out of the realm of possibility.” He crossed his arms. “I've got to know that I'm going to be alive at the end of this little journey.”
    The Ailian leaned back from him, smiling again. Jack realized that she was appraising him again, as though seriously considering the idea that killing him would be a possibility. She touched a hand to her nose where he'd bashed her earlier, brushing away a small bit of crusted blood. Then she crossed her arms, nodding to him.
    “You have spirit,” she pronounced, repeating what she'd said earlier in the morning. “You are not soldier, but still a good fighter, I think. You have fear, but you are also smart. This is good.” Aria leaned forward, placing a hand on his shoulder and looking him in the eye. “You help me, assist me well, and I not kill you. You trust me on this, yes?”
    Jack snorted with laughter. “I don't think I trust you.” As Aria's face darkened, he held up a hand, cutting off the low, threatening growl that she was beginning to make. “But you sound sincere to me, and at this point I really don't see any other options. I'd rather not die alone, so I guess we'll go together.” He smirked. “It can't be any worse than hoofing it by myself.”
    Aria's face lightened again, and she grinned. “Good choice.” She reached out a hand to him, crooking her fingers. Sharp claws extended, and she hooked them around the cord binding his feet together, cutting it and freeing his legs. Aria stood up, turning her back to him and going to the packs. Jack stretched his legs out in front of him, working the soreness out of his muscles. With a grunt he stood as well, following her.
    “Here,” Aria said, handing him the smaller of the two backpacks. “Carry this. Not too heavy, is it?”
    Jack grabbed the pack from her and hefted it onto his back, placing the straps over his shoulders. The bag was brutally heavy, but he thought he could manage it, and it would get lighter as their trip went on and they began using up the supplies. Anyway, he didn't feel like irritating the Ailian by complaining about it, and complaints wouldn't do any good. “No. I can handle this.”
    “Good,” Aria said. She strapped the larger bag to her back easily. Over one shoulder she slung Jack's rifle, securing it to her backpack with a clip so that it wouldn't swing as she walked. She picked up her own, larger rifle, holding it across her chest. Jack waited expectantly.
    “Aren't you forgetting something?” he prompted her.
    Aria pondered that for a moment. “No. Not think so.” She checked herself over, making sure that her pack was secure on her back and checking her weapon to ensure that it was loaded. The Ailian shrugged as all seemed well. “Seem fine to me.”
    Jack patted the empty holster on his belt. “Don't I at least get my gun back?”
    The laughter from Aria in response to his question echoed around the clearing. Her laugh was rather melodious, with an undertone of a purring, rumbling noise. He would have found the sound pleasant if it wasn't being made in such a condescending manner. She shook her head at Jack as though he was a simple child making a ridiculous request of his parent. “Of course not.”
    “Why not? Who knows what we'll find out there? I need to be able to defend

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