Trial & Error

Trial & Error by Paul Levine Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Trial & Error by Paul Levine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paul Levine
    “Cupcake? You’re really trying to piss me off, aren’t you?”
    “Why would I do that, sweetie?”
    “Because you think I’ll lose my cool. You think I’ll say nasty things about what a bastard you are. Then I’ll feel guilty and apologize. After that, I’ll have no choice but to withdraw from the case and let you have your way.”
    “You think I’m that clever?”
    “I think you’re that devious. But it’s not going to work.”
    Steve didn’t reply. He grinned at her, as if he’d just filled a straight on Fifth Street, and she held nothing but a pair of cracked aces.

    Love the man, hate the grin.
love him, Victoria reminded herself.
    But I hate that lopsided, wiseass, gotcha! grin.
    Daring her to try a case against him. Hauling out the memory of birdshit on her jacket, thinking he could intimidate her. But she saw right through him.
    “You’re scared, aren’t you, Steve?”
    “You’re scared of a powerful woman. So you’ve got to swing your club like some caveman.”
    “You’ve been reading Maureen Dowd again, haven’t you?”
    “When we go out to dinner, why do you always pay?”
    “I don’t. I put it on the firm credit card. You’re paying half.”
    “But you insist on using
card. Why can’t I put it on mine?”
    “What difference does it make?”
    “Are you playing dumb or are you really that obtuse?”
    “Is there a third choice?”
    “You maintain control by whipping out that card. MasterCard becomes your penis.”
    “That’s your second dick metaphor in the last minute. Are you horny?”
    “Because you’re a little flushed. Or is it that time of month?”
    She took a deep breath and reminded herself, yet again, that she loved this man, no matter how aggravating he could be. “Last bastion of male chauvinism, attacking our reproductive system, as if it makes us weak. When, in fact, it’s your Y chromosome that makes you the weaker sex.”
been reading Maureen Dowd.”
    “It’s an evolutionary fact. The male chromosome is losing genes. Men are losing their potency, but you still try to act like Genghis Khan.”
    “What are you saying? You want to go off the pill?”
    She smiled sweetly. Then she said, “You can’t stop me, Steve. I’m going to prosecute this case. And I’m going to win.”
    “Hit me with your best shot, Vic.”
    “Oh, I will. I’ll chop you into little pieces and use you for bait.”
    “But if I feed you to the sharks, they’ll never touch you.”
    “Professional courtesy,” Steve acknowledged, nodding.
    “So I’ll just annihilate you in the courtroom.”
    “How? Bore me to death?”
    “I’ll file memos of law on every motion, briefs on every legal issue, make you work for a change.”
    “Great. Death by a thousand paper cuts.”
    “I’ll beat you in front of the jury, too. In opening. In cross. In closing. I’ll tie you in knots. And I’m gonna do it in a way you never could. I’m gonna win fair and square.”

    Walking along the corridor at Ponce de Leon Middle School, Bobby was totally bummed. He’d never see Spunky and Misty again. By now, they could be in the outer islands. Starving. They needed to eat thirty pounds of fish a day. Would they know how to catch their own? Or would they be waiting for someone to feed them?
    In some weird way, Bobby felt responsible. If he’d only reacted faster, maybe he could have saved them. He could have told the dolphins to hide. They’d have understood him. They’d have gone underwater and stayed there for twenty minutes on one breath.
    Deep down, he knew it wasn’t his fault, but still….
    Spunky and Misty trusted me, and I let them down.
    He blamed Uncle Steve, too. He’d refused to take out a boat and search for the dolphins, saying it was impossible. He reminded Bobby of the fisherman’s prayer: “Oh, Lord, my boat is so small and your sea is so wide.”
    In his heart, Bobby knew

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