Trust in Me
opportunity for his men to finish whatever operation they were doing and to get out, safe and undetected.
    I flicked my eyes up to find Tyler staring, not at me or even Carlos, but at some point directly in front of me. His eyes burned with intensity, but what it meant, I didn’t know. Anger maybe, for a job well done. He reminded me of myself in that moment, unable to look upon the object of his disappointment. That would be me, I thought sickly, the elephant in the room, the object of shame.
    “Well?” Carlos asked, his silken voice a warning.
    “I’m going.” Tyler yanked open the door to the SUV so hard it rocked on its axle. With one foot inside, he paused as if debating with himself. Without turning, he said, “It shouldn’t take too long. Maybe half an hour. Then I’ll be back and we can go over the new security procedures.”
    He spoke to Carlos, but the message was for me, telling me that he would be back to relieve me soon. Tyler had no idea how much damage could be inflicted in even ten minutes when Carlos was enraged. And I’d never been quite so brazen in my disobedience.

    Chapter Five
    “Did you think you could interrupt me?”
    Thump . The leather belt smacked me between the shoulders. The first blows were always the hardest to take. At least, that’s what I thought until we got to the ones that came after. It was always a shock, every blow, as if my mind had dimmed the memory of every pain before.
    “Do you think I care what you want? What you think?”
    Thwack . The force of the impact jolted my body like the flop of a limp doll on concrete. The pain followed in a wave of aftershocks, radiating from my back out to my fingertips. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, couldn’t even see anything. A haze of red blanketed my vision, heightening the pain.
    “You are nothing to me. Just a whore, and a stupid one at that.”
    Crack. The belt bit into my back, coiling around my ribs to lick the underside of my breast. A short scream escaped me, abruptly cut off with the impact of the next blow. It rang in the air though—the searing pain, my agony—as he beat me.
    He was hurting me because I’d annoyed him, but the truth of the matter was that I’d only done it for Tyler. I’d betrayed Carlos, and so I deserved the punishment. I deserved worse than this, though as my body lit on fire from the outside in, I couldn’t imagine anything more painful.
    What could hell have to offer me that could compete with this? Maybe God was just expedient that way, getting in some of my licks while I still lived. Or maybe I’d already died, and I would be stuck in this hell for eternity. That was the scariest thought of all. The only thing that made this bearable was knowing that one day I would be free of it. Even hell had to be better than this.
    I heard the slice come through the air, just an innocuous whistle, before the single tail whip flayed my skin. The screams rang out from my throat, wholly detached from my mind. I couldn’t control them anymore than I could control the whip. My skin seared where it split open. As the pain tore through my body, sweat broke out, dripping into the open wounds, burning me. Even my own body betrayed me, causing more pain, showing more weakness.
    They went on and on, each flail of the whip cutting me open, tearing me apart until I was sure I’d never get put back together again. The pain crashed over me in never-ending waves, pulling me under only to thrust me back up to the awareness again.
    Pain continued to reverberate through my back as if he’d never stopped, but he was in front of me, waving his dick in my face. Slapping me, wetting me with the pre-cum at the tip. A jerk of my hair opened my mouth, and then it was filled with cock. Years of training, a lifetime of it, kicked in and I laved the underside with my tongue, relaxed my throat to allow him in deep.
    Bite him. The thought occurred to me, not for the first time, as he fucked my face harshly.

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