Trust in Me

Trust in Me by Beth Cornelison Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Trust in Me by Beth Cornelison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Cornelison
raced through Kevin, and he clenched his teeth so tight his jaw hurt. His attention was so focused on his problems with Ray that he didn't hear Claire approach. When she touched his arm, he nearly jumped out of his skin.
    They spoke at the same time.
    "Kevin, you don't have to—"
    "Claire, I'm sorry about—" He gave her a half grin. "Ladies first."
    She moistened her lips and scrunched her forehead as if choosing her words carefully. "I appreciate your defending me, but...I'd rather handle Ray on my own. I have to learn to deal with situations like that for myself. It's just the kind of real-life experience I need practice with. I don't want to be protected from the bumps in the road anymore."
    Kevin raked a hand through his hair. "It's my job to deal with Ray when it affects the work atmosphere. What he did was blatant and illegal and the fact that his father owns the store doesn't protect him from the law. You shouldn't have to put up with his...behavior."
    "Just the same, I need to learn to handle my problems by myself. Okay? Like Mrs. Proctor, for instance..."
    Kevin winced. "Oh, I, uh...talked with her earlier. She's agreed to rent you a room. She's expecting you tonight."
    Claire's shoulders sagged, and she looked away with a sigh. Then tipping her head toward him, she narrowed a curious gaze on him. "What did you say to change her mind?"
    "I made it sound like she'd be doing me a favor." He flashed her a sheepish grin. "I told her how badly you needed a place to stay and that you didn't know where else to turn."
    She stared at him, slack-jawed, for a moment. His heart drummed an anxious rhythm against his ribs, waiting for her to read him the riot act for overstepping his bounds and making her appear desperate.
    Instead, she grinned. The corner of her mouth curled up slowly and dimpled her cheek and amusement dawned in her gold eyes like the morning sun. "You sneaky devil, you turned everything around on her so that she couldn't say no. You took the focus off her and why she needed someone living with her to preserve her pride."
    Kevin dragged a hand across his cheek. "Guilty."
    Claire laughed and stepped closer, placing a hand on his arm. The admiration he'd seen light her eyes earlier returned.
    His breath hung in his lungs.
    "Not only are you thoughtful, you're sly, too. Thank you."
    She squeezed his arm gently before dropping her hand and heading out of the break room.
    It took Kevin a while to wipe the slap-happy grin off his face. Finally, he brought his feet back to Earth with a dose of cold reality. Claire would soon tire of the job at Lowery's and go back to the lifestyle she was used to. No matter how encouraging the sparkle of admiration in her eyes, he'd only get hurt harboring any false hope where the princess was concerned. He'd given his heart to a woman from society's upper class once before, and Robin had stomped it flat. A relationship with him would only drag Claire down.
    Kevin scoffed. What was he thinking? A relationship with Claire? Yeah, as if !
    The amphibian in his head had good laugh over that one.
    That night at Mrs. Proctor's house, Claire's hand sweated as she clutched the phone receiver and dialed her parents' house. She shouldn't be anxious over talking with them, but she knew how hard this conversation would be, knew how they'd react to the decisions she'd made. And she knew they'd try to convince her to give up her plans and come home.
    But she couldn't do that. She had to be strong and not give in. She steeled herself with a deep breath.
    Someone picked up after one ring. "Yes?"
    Her father's tone jarred her. His typically gracious tone was rife with stress and impatience, neither of which boded well for this conversation.
    "Daddy?" Hearing the tremor in her voice, she inhaled deeply, gathering her composure, and flattened her hand on Mrs. Proctor's kitchen table.
    "Claire? Is that you?"
    "Thank God! Are you all right? Your mother and I have been worried sick!"

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