“ Fine before you woke me up and gave me a headache.”
“ I have that affect.” Ryan changed gears. “Seriously though, how are you?”
Tuck sighed. “ Tired.”
“ Do you need anything?”
“ No.” Tuck rubbed his eyes. “Any new leads?”
“ Nothing. Kerr talked with her earlier this morning, but she couldn’t give us much more. Basic descriptions, no names. ATV tracks that disappear. They’re interviewing loggers that were working the area yesterday. It’s not going to be an open and closed case, that’s for sure. Be glad you only have to do a supplement and this isn’t your case.”
“ If it wasn’t my case, I wouldn’t have staples in my head.”
“ That’s what happens when you’re a hero. Bad shit.”
Tuck laced his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling above.
“All kidding aside, you did good. Real good Tuck.” Ryan stood. “You sure you don’t need anything?”
“ Yeah, I‘m good.”
“ Call Kerr.”
“ I will.”
“ Take care, bud.”
“ Thanks.” Ryan left and Tuck stared at the ceiling. He couldn’t help but wonder how she was.
He dialed Kerr.
“How are you feeling?” Kerr answered.
“ I’ve had better days. Ryan said you talked to Chance?”
“ I did. I got the same story as you.”
“ Do you want me talk to her?”
“ We have it under control.” That was Kerr’s subtle way of telling him to back off. “I emailed you the first report of injury and I need your supplemental when you are up to it, no hurry. We are going to finish up here at the shooting site by the end of the day.”
“ What did she tell you about the plane she found?”
“ She didn’t mention anything about a plane.”
“ She didn’t?”
“ No. Call me after your follow up with your doctor. I don’t want to hear a word about work from you until then.”
Tuck chuckled. “ You don’t have to worry about that.”
“ Sure, I’ll believe it when I see it. Talk to you later.”
“ Bye.”
Tuck collapsed once again and succumbed to sleep.
Chapter Four
Chance was released from the hospital days later, her parents at her side. Indeed, they were there at her side every move she made. She loved them dearly, but nearly losing their daughter had kicked them into super parent mode. If she tried to walk from the bedroom to the bathroom alone, Mary would have a conniption.
“ Mom, I’m fine.” That saying was on repeat. Every time she attempted to do something and Mary would step in, that was the line she used.
She hated being hovered over and doted on. Yes, she was uncomfortable and in pain, but sitting around watching television and eating all day wasn’t going to change anything other than her waistline. She was going stir crazy after less than a week being home. She’d researched plane crashes in Maine on the internet, but none were on Helter Ridge. None slightly close to it. Nothing popped up when she searched Squirrel in context with a crash. The rucksack hadn’t been returned. She’d called Warden Huan and he’d given her the promise that he would drop it off soon. Soon wasn’t good enough. N-O-W. She needed it now. It held the information she needed. The one thing it didn’t have was the compass she’d discovered. She remembered having it in her hand when she was coming back down the trail. It had to be on the trail somewhere. She could at least start looking for that while Huan kept his finger up his ass.
“ Mom, Dad, I love you, but it’s time you guys go home. I want you here on vacation when we can do things together, or on the holidays. Not to sit around the house waiting hand and foot on me.”
“ We want to be here for you and we’re not going anywhere, so get over it.” Her Mom passed her a glass of iced tea and sat on the couch next to her. Jacob was outside tinkering on her house. “And you love my cooking too