Tuesday (Timeless Series #2)

Tuesday (Timeless Series #2) by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Tuesday (Timeless Series #2) by E. L. Todd Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. L. Todd
sure she got there safely.
    “No, it’s okay,” she said quickly. “I’ll see you around.” She gave a quick wave before she walked away.
    I don’t think so . I caught up to her. “I really don’t mind. The city isn’t safe at night.”
    “I can take care of myself, Hawke. You know that.”
    “It gives me peace of mind.”
    She stopped in her tracks and sighed. “I’m not going home, Hawke.”
    The meaning of her words hit me hard in the chest. It was like someone dropped an anvil on my head. The breath was knocked out of me. I felt cold—weak. Now I knew who she was texting this late at night. “I see…” I tried to hide the devastated look on my face but I had a feeling I couldn’t. I knew she must be with other guys but…I tried not to think about it.
    She avoided my gaze like she was uncomfortable. “Well…good night.”
    “Yeah.” I wanted to offer to walk her anyway, but I didn’t want to see the guy who opened the door. I didn’t want to walk away knowing what was going to happen. Someone stabbed a knife into my chest and now I was bleeding everywhere.
    Francesca turned around and headed up the sidewalk. She never glanced behind her to see if I was still watching her. The second I wasn’t in her sight, she forgot about me.
    Why did I have to be so fucked up? Why couldn’t I just be normal? If I didn’t have all these issues, she would still be mine. We might even be married by now. Maybe even have a kid on the way…
    But I threw her away.
    I lost her.
    I fucked up.
    I was fucked up.

    “Missed me?” Kyle took a drink from his beer on the nightstand. He was propped on the pillows with the sheets pulled up to his waist.
    I shrugged. “Eh.” I lay beside him with the sheets to my shoulder. My eyes were closed, and I was tired. I’d probably sleep there because I was too tired to go home.
    “Eh?” Amusement was in his voice. “That’s it?”
    “I just saw you last week.”
    “A week is a long time, babe.”
    “Don’t call me babe.” I didn’t like nicknames. They were too possessive.
    “Grouchy… Did I not make you come?”
    “No, you did.”
    “Then I don’t know what your deal is.” He took another drink. “I know you aren’t on your period so that can’t be it.”
    I kicked him playfully.
    He lay back down beside me. “Something is off. I can feel it.”
    I didn’t talk to Kyle about serious stuff. But I had no one else to talk to. Marie was the number one person I turned to but I couldn’t tell her about this. It was a conflict of interest. “I’m just stressed out…”
    “About?” He moved his hand to my hip.
    “It’s a long story.”
    “I’ve got all night.” He squeezed my hip gently. “Now tell me.”
    I guess I had nothing to lose. “Remember that guy I told you about?”
    “The one you were with two years ago?”
    “Yeah,” I said with a nod.
    “What about him?”
    “Well…he’s back in my life.”
    His eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
    I told him the entire story and how he’s the best man in Axel’s wedding. “Basically, I’m going to be around him all the time and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
    “That sucks…”
    “What are you going to do?”
    “I don’t know. When I saw him for the first time, I was so angry with him. He kept talking to me, and I just wanted to be left alone. Then he came to my shop and that pissed me off even more. We sat down and talked, and I said a lot of mean things to him…that I didn’t care if he lived or died.”
    Kyle cringed slightly. “Then what?”
    “I realized how unfair I was being. Even though the break up was hard, he was good to me when we were together. He treated me right and made me really happy. And I loved him… I’ll always love him.”
    Disappointment flashed in his eyes. “Why did you break up again?”
    I didn’t want to share Hawke’s secrets even though Kyle didn’t know him. “He had some personal issues. You know, he had a bad

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