Twist of Fate
nodded, his lashes lowering over his eyes. "What's there to talk about?"
    My lips started to tremble as fear ripped through me. "I need to go home. Can you take me home?"
    He pushed up onto his hands, staring down at me. "Is that what you really want to do? Or, are you just playing hard to get." He slipped his hand up my dress, running his fingers across the top of my panties, sliding his fingers underneath a second later.
    I pushed him off of me, and for a second I thought I might be in trouble as he gaze turned from desire to downright pissed. "You're serious? You want to leave now? I thought..."
    My head was shaking, my fingers trembling, my voice cracked as I answered, "Yes, please."
    He sat up abruptly, hanging his head down, and running his fingers through his hair forcefully. "I can't fucking believe this. I know girls like you, Paige. But, I'm going to tell you right now what kind of guy I am. I'm the kind of guy that expects something on a date. Christ, I'm twenty-one fucking years old, and still dealing with little girls." He looked back at me, and even though I didn't want to, I looked him dead in the eyes. "Screw it, let's go. I'll take you back. But, don't expect another phone call from me. I don't play this kid shit anymore."
    I was speechless.  
    Hurt, confused, annoyed, relieved were just a few of the emotions that coursed through me on the ride home. We'd been seeing each other for a few weeks, and this had been the first time Matt behaved like an asshole. Matt never said a word to me the entire time. But, he mumbled to himself, like he was talking himself down from something.
    Once back at the dorm, I jumped out from the seat. Before I could even look for my card to get into the building, I heard the sound of his tires squealing out of the parking lot. These were those moments where I really missed home and a big ass tub to lose myself in.
    Once inside, I took the steps to my floor going over the night's events in my head, wondering what I was going to do when I saw him on campus, and how he'd react. My hand just reached for the door, when I noticed the familiar blue scarf that Ellie wrapped around it to let me know she was on a date. She always seemed to be on a date. I slinked down the few flights to head outside. I hated to bother him, but he was all I had.  

    Chapter 7

    It was Friday night, I had Michele down to her smoking hot red underwear, in her dorm room, when my phone rang for the third time in a row. She was on her knees, then stopped, looking up at me, "Maybe you should just get it."
    "No way. They'll leave a voicemail."  
    We started going at it again, all hot and heavy. Her mouth was sucking me off like it was a piece of corn on the cob. This girl had got it going on. I was about to blow, so I flipped her off me to get on top of her, slowly slipping her underwear down her legs, when my cell rang again.
    I reached over to the table without looking at the caller I.D., hitting the answer button. "What the fuck do you want?"
    "Oh, I'm sorry, Ben. It's me, um, it's Paige."
    I practically leapt off of Michele. "Don't be. I didn't know it was you. What's up?"
    She sniffled, and it sounded like she was trying to muffle a cry. "P, I said what's up?"
    "Do you know where Tommy is? I really need him to come pick me up."
    "Did you try calling him?" I asked, keeping my voice low and my back to Michele. "Yeah, like ten times. He's not answering."
    "Where are you?"
    "I'm at the dorms. My roommate is using the room for the night, if you know what I mean, and I have nowhere to go."
    I sighed heavily, peering over at the bed. I did know.
    Even though I had been looking over at a very naked Michele, my hard-on instantly went out the window the minute I heard Paige's voice. Michele curled her finger to lure me back in bed, but I shook her off.  
    "I'll be there in ten." I hit end, then turned to Michele. "Something's come up. I gotta go."
    She jolted upright. "You're leaving me, to go after her? It's

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