Twist of Fate
Tommy's cousin. Let him deal with her."
    I shook my head. "That's exactly the point. It's Tommy's cousin, and he's like family to me."
    "I don't get it."
    Why the hell was I still putting up with her? Especially if she was going to go all girlfriend mode on me. "You don't need to." I yanked on my shorts, and tossed on my T-shirt. "And, do me a favor? If you're going to be like this. Lose my number."   With that I jogged out the door. If she couldn't get me helping out Paige, she never would.
    When I got to her hall, she was sitting outside the front doors on a bench with her head in her hands, slumped over. I cleared my throat. She looked up, and immediately I could tell she'd been crying. I squatted down in front of her, brushing her hair back out of her face. It was all wet and sticky from her tears. "Hey, what's wrong?"
    She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. "It's nothing."  
    "Did that douchebag do something to you?"Anger filled my voice.
    "Drop it Ben. I just want to go to bed. Can I sleep over?" She looked at me with her big green eyes, and it was my undoing.
    I grabbed her hand, hoisting her to a stand. "No problem. C'mon."
    The whole ride back she stared out the window being super quiet, which gave me time to think this one through. Where the hell was she going to sleep? I guess she could have my bed, but that left me riding the couch downstairs, and I don't even like to sit on that thing. Every guy in the house had bagged someone on it.
    We walked into the frat house, and immediately three guys in the front room pounding beers, looked at us. I forgot I was still holding her hand from when I helped her out of the car. "Dude," Paul shook his head. Everyone knew she was off limits. Not only because she was Tommy's cousin, but now she was considered Matt's girl. Even though Matt lived off campus with a few other brothers, it was no secret that they'd been spending time together.
    I dropped her hand. "It's not like that."
    I mean, I was sure it looked like it, especially when I led her up the stairs and into my room. A room I shared with Jack and Tommy. Luckily for me, neither was back yet, which gave me time to get whatever was bothering her off her chest. Cause if Matt played her, brother or no brother, I'd kick his ass. I was all for bro's before hoe's, but not when it came to Paige. She was the only exception.
    "Thanks for picking me up, Ben."
    I shrugged. "It's no problem. Do you want something to sleep in?"
    She looked so innocent standing in front of me that I had to blink a few times just to make myself stop staring. "Do you have some boxers and a shirt?"
    I walked toward her, with my hands on my hips, and probably the most ridiculous grin on my face.   "It's time you know something about me, P. I go commando most of the time, or wear boxer briefs. So, I don't have any. But, I can give you a shirt." I rummaged through my drawers, yanking out one of my favorites, then tossed it over to her.  
    "I'd let you wear Tommy's, but he and I kind of do the same thing, and before you ask, you don't want Jack's boxers."
    She sheepishly smiled. "The shirt's fine. Thanks."
    She started to lift her dress over her head. "Whoa! Let a guy turn around." Holy shit! She literally almost stripped down in front of me, and like an asshole, I stopped her and turned around. What the hell was wrong with me? I'd wanted to see Paige in nothing but her birthday suit since the first day I met her. I was turning into such a pussy.  
    Two-seconds later she said, "You can turn around."  
    So I did, and almost dropped dead at the sight of her.   It was almost impossible to fight the feeling in the pit of my stomach, making it harder to breathe. I was caught up in her smile, just crushed by the way she looked standing in front of me. You always read, or heard about guys saying shit like, my girl looks the best in my white button down shirt, or my Jersey, and nothing else. Damn, if they weren't right. I thought my heart had

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