of pig blood. It took four weeks to age the life-giving concoction in large wooden wine casks lying on their sides on the opposite wall of the storage room. The synthetic blood wine offered vampires a viable alternative to human or animal blood. For some vampires, not having to sink teeth into flesh for sustenance was a welcomed gift.
    At one time, Alex had been proud that O’Malley’s little side business provided nourishment for a couple dozen vampires. Of course, that had been a few years ago when she’d worked closely with Glenn to discover the right formula. Within the last few months, she’d come to hate entering this room to mix and bottle the blood cocktail. She wanted nothing more than to dissolve her partnership with Glenn and leave the mountains of California for the salty shores of the east coast. Home.
    She loved the man and owed Glenn her life—literally. Alex simply needed to leave before he found out what she’d done. The revelation would surely wound his heart more than any wooden stake.
    Stacking the boxes, she headed back into her office. Alex wasn’t sure when she’d become a damsel in need of saving, but the two vamps going all Neanderthal in the other room certainly believed her incapable of taking care of herself. She wasn’t sure if she was flattered or insulted.
    Fortunately, both men had remained in their respective corners, where she’d left them. Their gazes intently followed her as she set the boxes on the floor next to the desk. Filling out the information on the clipboard, she handed it to Ronan to sign. Their little winery was as precise as any pharmacy. “I loaded in two extra bottles. But it’s all you have for the week. Don’t drink it all in one sitting.” Alex’s attempt at humor fell flat.
    The corners of Ronan’s mouth lifted, but his pursed lips held no mirth. “If I find other vampires interested in weaning themselves onto the wine, how do they get on your list?”
    “Just mention them to Glenn. We’ll find someone who’ll make sure they get what they need. Glenn trusts you not to tell anyone where it’s bottled.”
    Ronan bent low, took her hand and brushed his lips feather-light across her knuckles. “‘Tis always a pleasure spending time with you, Alexandra.”
    Neither of them missed the low growl emanating from Reese.
    Ronan straightened. Smiling as he withdrew a bulging gold money clip from his pocket, he counted out some bills and threw them on her desk. Apparently, the gesture had been meant to goad Reese, not flatter her.
    “I’m pleased you and Glenn trust me enough to allow me into your cellars.” He scooped up the box with one arm and turned to Reese. “Do keep her safe from the unsavory vampires.”
    “My pleasure.”
    “Don’t forget to bring back the bottles,” she called at Ronan’s retreating back. Alex ran damp palms down her jeans. The musty room had suddenly become stifling. She didn’t speak until Ronan’s footfalls receded up the stairs. “Seriously Reese, I’m fine being here by myself.”
    He pushed from the wall, stalking toward her, his body an overwhelming presence stealing the breath from her lungs. “I have no doubt you can take care of yourself.” Reese stepped up to her, the wall of his chest brushing her breasts. She craned her neck, coming up against the hunger sparking in his eyes and turning them a deeper shade of emerald. The fresh scent of his cologne wrapped around her nose, melting her defenses.
    “I have no desire to be your guardian, Alex.” Reese’s voice dropped to a sultry whisper that heated her blood and sent her heart racing. “Perhaps Josh was right and my interest in you hasn’t been as obvious as I thought I’d made it over the last several months.” His gaze roamed slow and hot down her face and neck to rest on her heaving chest before searing a leisurely path back to her mouth. “But I’m thinking your body has been aware.”
    Alex searched his face, reading the intention only seconds

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