should be making."
"You're the boss for now."
She brought her attention to him. "I'm not qualified for the job. I barely graduated from community college."
"Gayle will show you what to do. She practically runs the place anyway."
"What can you show me?" she asked on impulse.
He shot her a quizzical look. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, what goes on in the vineyard? Will you take me out there, show me the grapes? I want to see what my father saw."
"Are you saying you want to work in the fields?"
"Yes." The more she thought about it, the more she warmed to the idea. Being out in the vineyard held more appeal than sitting in her father's office.
"Okay," he said skeptically, "you're the boss."
"She's not the boss. We're not staying here," Kaiden said from the backseat. "My dad is in the city. We're going back, right, Mom?"
The panic in his voice reminded her of every reason they could never stay. "Right, honey. I'm only working at the vineyard during our time here." She didn't want him to worry. "Let's change the subject."
Nico's mouth moved into a thin line. Is that why he'd come along tonight? Was he worried about her being on the payroll? He probably thought she'd love the power so much she'd want to stay. Ha! Nothing was further from the truth. She didn't want this kind of life. She wanted freedom, security, and a place of her own that wasn't filled with the ghosts of the past.
She glanced over her shoulder at the kids. Kaiden and Maria rode in silence, each of them staring out their own window. The sullen look was back on Kaiden's face.
Thankfully, they soon arrived at the movie theater. The kids couldn't get out of the truck fast enough. They ran ahead to the box office.
They made it through the movie and ice cream without any business talk. The kids enjoyed themselves, but Danielle felt an odd strain between herself and Nico. He didn't like her interest in the vineyard. Well, too bad.
On the ride home, both kids fell asleep. Conversation stopped, the country western music from the radio the only sound in the truck. Danielle silently thanked Toby Keith for filling the silence between her and Nico.
When they turned into the drive at the vineyard relief filled Danielle. Nico cut the engine, and the kids both stirred. Nico exited the truck, coming around to help Danielle.
"Thanks for driving," Danielle said as a sleepy Kaiden slid out of the back seat.
"You're welcome." Nico reached out to steady Kaiden. "Do you want me to walk you in?"
"No, we're fine. Thanks again." She started to move away, but Nico's fingers tangled in her sweater, stopping her. His eyes glowed, the heat making her stomach flutter.
"I'll pick you up at three a.m."
"Three a.m.?" Danielle echoed.
"That's the time I start work."
She could see the challenge in his eyes. He didn't think she could get out of bed and keep up with him all day. He was in for a surprise.
"I'll be ready," she said confidently.
From the truck, Maria called, "Dad, come on. Let's go."
Nico let go of her. "See you at three. I hope you're up for it."
Three a.m. What was the point of even going to bed? With a shake of her head, Danielle climbed up the steps. She let herself inside, closing and locking the door. She was replaying her conversation with Nico over in her mind when the phone rang.
Danielle went to the kitchen, picking up the call. "Hello?"
Her ex-husband's voice slithered in one ear and out the other. "Peter." Her hand shook on the phone. "How did you find me?"
"I've been looking all over for you, baby," he said. "Cheryl told me where you were."
She wasn't surprised Cheryl had told Peter, she was his sister and Danielle's closest friend. She probably hoped they'd get back together.
"What do you want?" she asked, unable to keep the anger from her tone. "Do you need money? I hope not, because I'm broke thanks to you."
"Come on, Danielle, you know that's not why I'm calling."
"How would I know that, Peter? You left me thousands of dollars