Understanding Sexual Attraction
coupled with an extraverts DNA.
    You have a physical feature that corresponds with her - When a girl is very tall it makes it harder for her to find a guy who she won't emasculate by being with. Because of this, when she does see a taller guy, it will make her much more attracted to him. She will see him as rare, and a good match for her.
    Another example of this is penis size. There are girls who really like their guys large downstairs. This isn't by choice. Most these women have larger genetics when it comes to their vaginas. Their vaginas are bigger so if the guy is small it won't feel as good. If one of these girls notices that you are big it will be a very big attraction switch because it will subconsciously signal more pleasure.
    On the other hand there are girl s that are genetically very small down there. They cannot have sex with a bigger guy without a lot of pain. These girls will prefer smaller guys. If you weren't born gifted down there, don't let it be a game changer, girls care as much about penis size as we do about how tight they are.
    You are in a position of power - When a man is set up in a position of power, women are going to feel attraction for him. You may have noticed that many supermodels end up in relationships with their photographers. The photographers are in a position of power all day long, and it makes the girls more attracted to them.
    One of the reasons that it is so unethical for a teacher to sleep with his student is because he is in a position of power. This will make the girl feel an attraction for the teacher that she would not normally feel.

Chapter 9: The Sexual Attraction Value Quiz
    This is a test to see what your sexual value is to an average girl. This is not an exact science, so understand that this will be a bit vague, but it will give you a good idea of where you stand and where you need to improve.
    Take out a piece of paper and tally all the points that you personally gain from attraction and how many points you lose. Honestly answer every question. Don't share these results with anyone. These are only for you. Keep in mind that the average guy brings out only 0 to 5 percent of total Base Attraction in a woman. While selecting which point category you fall under, 0 will usually mean average.
    1) Looks- 38 % ( first thing a girl will notice)
    -5 to 5 points for face, 0 is average
    Ove rall Body (don't count height)
    -5 to 5 points for body, 0 is average
    6'2 to 6'4: + 3 Points
    6'5 to 6'7: + 2 Points
    6' to 6'1: + 2 Points
    5'11: + 1 Point
    6'8 to 7': 0 Points
    5'9 to 5'10: 0 Points
    5'7 to 5'8: - 1 Points
    5'5 to 5'7: - 2 Points
    Under 5'4: - 3 Points
    Age (strictly adheres to the age of your target girls)
    3 to 5 years older :  2 Points
    0 to 2 years older:   1 Points
    6 to 8 years older:   1 Point
    9 to 10 years older: 0 Points
    1 to 3 years younger: 0 Points
    11 to 20 years older: - 2 Points
    4 to 10 years younger: - 2 Points
    20 to 30 years older: - 4 Points
    Note* Scale won't work on cougars
    -5 to 1 points for health (1 for looking completely healthy)
    -2 to 2 points for style
    -5 to 1 point(s) for hygiene
    Range: -30 to 20
    2) Money and Status - 30%
    Money (Annual Income, American Dollars)
    1 million or more: 5 Points
    300,000 to 999,999: 4 Points
    100,000 to 299,999: 3 Points
    70,000 to 99,999: 2 Points
    50,000 to 69,999: 1 Point
    30,000 to 49,999: 0 Point
    20,000 to 29,000: -1 Point
    10,000 to 20,000: -2 Points
    5,000 to 9,999: -3 Points
    0 to 4,999: -5 Points
    *Note if you are a student , give yourself 0 Points
    Status or Fame
    You are famous to most the people in your country: 5 Points
    You are famous to most the people in your city: 4 Points
    You are renowned in your profession: 3 Points
    You have a prestigious career i.e. Doctor:  2 Points
    You have a semi prestigious career i.e. Lawyer: 1 Point
    You are not known: 0 Points
    You are known as a child predator: -5 Points
    0 to 3

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