Understanding Sexual Attraction
    You hang out among famous people:  3 Points
    The Mayor comes to your birthday party: 2 Points
    You have a large network of medium to high status friends:  1 Point
    You have a network of normal status friends: 0 Points
    You have a network of low status friends: -1 Point
    You have only one or two low status friends: -2 Points
    You have no friends: -3 Points
    Add +1 If you show obvious potential for Money or Status.
    Range: -13 to 16
    3) Personality Attributes - 32%
    -3 to 3 Points
    Desired by women
    -2 to 2 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    0 to 1 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    Protector, Dominant
    -1 to 1 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    Charming, Charismatic
    -1 to 1 Points
    Aloof (opposite is needy)
    -1 to 1 Points
    -1 to 1 Points
    Range: -16 to 17
    Add up your points and see where you stand. The perfect score is 53, but there isn't one person on the planet with that score. 0 to 5 attraction score is the average person.
    Take a look at your score and note the things that you are able to improve about yourself, then look at the time it will take you to improve them. It might be smarter to make yourself very fun, aloof, charismatic, passionate, and adventurous instead of dedicating your entire life to making millions, and ending up with a woman feeling the same amount of attraction for you.  If you are not the best looking or tallest guy, why not counteract that by spending some time at the gym and getting back more points that way? This is only meant to show you what women will find attractive and what priority you should set to each attribute. You may be able to raise your score a lot easier than you thought.
    Total Range: -59 to 53
    Average: 0 to 5 Points
    30-50 Your sexual magnetism is so high no scale can judge you.
    25-30 You are considered a 10.
    20-25 You are considered a 9.
    15-20 You are considered an 8.
    10-15 You are considered a 7.
    5-10 You are considered a 6.
    0-5 You are considered a 5.
    Less than 0: The best that will be attracted to you are 5's. There are many ways to improve yourself so that you get a positive ranking. Work on them one at a time and you will find yourself attracting more and more women.
    Fun Score: I calculated Brad Pitt’s score at age 30. He had a 45. That means he hit 85% of attraction triggers on the average woman. Wow! I believe it is one of the highest attraction scores ever.
    Body Language +20 or -20
    Body language is special because you can show most of the attractive characteristics without even opening your mouth. You can also show negative characteristics in your body language so it is an important aspect to work on.  I will be covering more about body language in my next book.
    Attraction Tricks +10
    You can raise your value by using the attraction tricks from the book. Sometimes it will only be for the moment, sometimes for more time. This is a very important part of attraction, but it is another book entirely. Inner game should be focused on first. Not the tricks, those tricks will only help you in the moment, and the attraction will wear off quickly. So focus more on developing the right types of personality attributes first.

Final Chapter
    As a man you should be actively trying to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. Whether you are in a relationship or single, the more attractive you are to women, the happier they will be with you. Now that you have a clear understanding of what it is women are attracted to, you can start developing and improving yourself in the right areas. Don't get discouraged. Remember, life is about self-improvement and the way we can continue to be happy is if we continue improving ourselves.
    Make sure to check out my next book on Body Language, and look for more news about it on my website https://njworld.wordpress.com/ . To learn how to

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