Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)

Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) by Krystal Morrison Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) by Krystal Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Morrison
a bit.
    “I’m glad to be of service”, he responded with feigned diligence and she couldn’t resist laughing.
    THE DINNER PARTY WAS WELL underway when they got there and all eyes were trained on them as they entered the opulent ballroom; the sparkling chandeliers highlighting the glamour of the attendees.
    “Smile”, Sebastian encouraged ; placing his hand at the small of her back as he led her through the throng of onlookers.
    “Helen”, Sebastian murmured as a beautiful blonde woman came up to them and embraced him warmly and Paige held her breath.
    So this was the famous Helen who had inspired him to instigate a fake relationship with an alleged escort from Mount Vernon, Paige mused. It was evident that they shared a close bond in the way Sebastian’s face softened as they greeted each other.
    “Paige”, Helen exclaimed, grasp ing both Paige’s hands, “I’m so glad Sebastian has finally decided to share you with us”.
    “So am I”, Paige responded on a sigh, her stiff posture relaxing somewhat.
    “I’m so sorry but I have to attend to some guests”, Helen murmured apologetically, “I’ll see you later. Oh and red is definitely your color”.
    “What did she mean by that?” Paige inquired as soon as she was out of earshot.
    “Your hair was brown the last time she saw you. Remember?" Sebastian responded, frowning.
    “Oh…that”, she laughed nervously, “I was…wearing a wig”.
    What the hell was wrong with her? If she wasn’t careful she would get caught in a trap of her own devise.
    “I figured as much”, Sebastian said dismissively, “let’s go say hello to my friends”.
    He led her to a far corner of the room where a tall, lean blond man was conversing with another of chocolate complexion and about Sebastian’s height and built. 
    “Hey Brad”, they said in unison; patting him on the shoulder.
    “Brandon, Matthew, this is Paige”, Sebastian said, “Paige; these are my friends”.
    “ Hi.”
    “Where has Brad been hiding a beautiful gem, such as you?” Brandon said, his sky blue eyes dancing with mischief.
    “ He has been holding me hostage in that Godforsaken apartment, of his all weekend”, she whispered in contrived distress; placing a hand over her heart and both men erupted in laughter. Even Sebastian had a telltale smile on his lips, “I swore I’d never live to tell the tales”.
    “Shall we defend your honor”, Matthew queried sternly, his full lips twitching and another bout of laughter ensued.
    They conversed for a short while longer before parting ways as dinner was served. She noted the immense change in Sebastian; unsure whether she should be incensed at his shameless flirting or appreciative of his amicable mood. She was even more shocked when he requested a dance after dinner but she accepted gracefully nonetheless; a thrill of excitement coursing through her veins as she thought of the closeness such an act would require.
    Her heart galloped in her chest as he led her unto the dance floor; his arm snaking around her waist as he assumed the position for a slow waltz. Her fingers tingled where he held them and she felt as if his hand had burned away her dress where it rested at the small of her back. Her head would fit perfectly between the indent of his shoulder blade and neck, she thought as they sashayed in tune to the slow ballad.

    “YOU’RE TENSE”, SEBASTIAN COMMENTED as he drew her body closer to the hard length of him.
    “No I’m not”, she laughed nervously ; inhaling sharply as his hand made circular motions where it rested in the center of her back.
    “Brandon and Matt are watching us”, he whispered against her ears; his warm breath sending delicious shivers along her spine, “seems to me, they need a little convincing that our relationship is genuine. Don’t you think?"
    “What?” a hot blush stole up her cheeks as she saw his underlying meaning.
    She hadn’t realized he had such long lashes until his

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