Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1)

Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) by Krystal Morrison Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Unlawful Escort (Unlawful Series book 1) by Krystal Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krystal Morrison
beautiful brown eyes stroked the curve of her face; their brown depths glazed with devilment.
    “ A kiss perhaps”, he cajoled, the heat in his eyes wreaking havoc on her senses.
    “Is that really necessary”, she glanced away from his mesmeric stare; searching the room for some form of diversion, “and what about your parents?”
    “Minding their own business, I’m sure. Besides; we’ll have to display some form of public affection if we intend to be convincing. Now is as good a time as any”.
    “Fine”, she acquiesced, her muscles coiling in preparation for the onslaught of his mouth on hers; her eyes firmly closing as his hand left the small of her back and lightly stroked her nape.
    She fought against the desire streaming throw her veins as she awaited his kiss and when it wasn’t instantly forthcoming, her lashes fluttered open in time to see his arrogant head drifting towards hers. His hand cushioned the nape of her neck as he angled her head so that her mouth was completely exposed to his ministrations.  Her breath caught in her throat as his lush lips glided over hers lightly; warm and persuasive until she sighed in pleasure; her body melting into his.
    His tongue slide between her lips; his mouth devouring hers hungrily. Heat exploded inside her body and she trembled with yearning; her tongue stroking his tentatively. He ended the kiss abruptly and she almost mewled in protest; the blissful sensations he had awakened in her body craving to be sated. Her cheeks stained with embarrassment as the fog of desire dispersed from her brain and she remembered where she was.
    “I… I think I need to use the ladies room”, she stuttered; quickly disentangled her limbs from his and virtually running from the dance floor.
    She went straight to the ladies room and closed the door securely behind her; willing her racing heart calm and cursing herself for allowing the kiss to happen. Her hand rose to her lips in an effort to quell the delicious tingling impression of his mouth.
    She gave hers elf a mental shake; she couldn’t allow a repeat of what had just occurred a few moments ago. She had no sexual obligations to him as far as the contract stipulated and she had no intention of falling into Sebastian’s bed. She hardened her resolve; she was there to complete a job and she intended to see it through with no exceptions. With that she repaired her makeup and returned to the ballroom.
    Fortunately, the evening progressed with minimal complexities except the heightened awareness that seemed to permeate the atmosphere encompassing her and Sebastian. They were conversing with Brandon and Matthew when his father appeared and the air suddenly grew frigid around them and both men quickly excused themselves. 
    She had expected a striking resemblance between father and son. However their only discernible similarity was their brown hair, of which the older Bradley’s was streaked with silver strands. She felt Sebastian stiffen beside her as he approached.
    “Brad”, William greeted with a nod, his wrinkled face as hard as granite.
    “Father”, Sebastian responded, mimicking his father’s nod and meeting his cold stare unflinchingly.
    “And you must be Paige”, he said, his face creasing into a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, “my wife has been going on and on about you these past weeks”.
    She smiled, not certain what to make of the situation, “I guess I am, Mr. Bradley”.
    “Let’s just hope he does not so carelessly lose you as he did Elizabeth”, William said grudgingly; his smile unwavering, and she felt the rage emanating from Sebastian.
    “Well what do they say”, Sebastian’s voice didn’t raise an octave but it was as cold as ice, “you win some, you lose some. But I’d like to think I’ve gained”, he snaked an arm around Paige as he spoke and drew her closer.
    They were both silent for a moment and a war of wills seemed to rage between the two as dark eyes caught and held brown until

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