Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online

Book: Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
minutes,” said Darcy.
    “All three of us? It’s big but so are both of you.”
    “We can try it out and see if it works,” said Raff.
    Darcy was already in the shower. Typical. He’s given his instructions and just expects everyone will follow them. I guess that’s how it is with his business.
    Well, she was first so Violet climbed into the huge tub. It was so long that even lying right down her feet didn’t reach the other end. She stretched out and relaxed as the warm water began to cover her body. Darcy climbed in and lifted her up, sitting behind her, with her nestled between his legs. Finally Raff joined them, sitting facing them at the other end, his legs outside Darcy’s.
    “How high do you want the water?” Raff asked her.
    “You’d better turn it off three or four inches below the lip of the tub or else we’ll flood the floor every time one of us moves.”
    “There’s a simple solution to that. We won’t move,” he said, but he turned the faucets off exactly when she’d said.
    “Tell us about yourself, Violet,” asked Darcy.
    She looked at Raff and he was smiling encouragingly at her. “I’ve always lived with my grandfather. Both my parents died when I was very young. But I was brought up with a crowd of cousins so I never felt lonely or lacking in playmates. I guess many people would say I was a spoiled brat.”
    She paused, wondering what else to tell them. “I chose the subjects I wanted to do at school. There’s a heap of family already running Grandpop’s companies so I didn’t feel any pressure to study business, or accounting, or any of those things. So I did English literature, American literature, history, geography, all the things that I was interested in. Fun subjects rather than ones leading to employment. I love horses and I love reading. Getting my own land and Princess and Pedro is the fulfillment of a long-time dream.”
    “Even though you can’t actually live in the house yet?” asked Darcy.
    She wondered if he was trying to nudge her to go back to her grandpop’s house until the renovation was finished.
    “Being able to see Princess and Pedro every day is far more important to me than running water,” she said firmly.
    Raff laughed. “Says she who has just taken a shower and is now lying up to her neck in running water.”
    “Well, there is that, I guess.”
    She thought this was a good time to shift the conversation away from herself. “What about you, Raff?” There was no way she was going to let him know what her grandfather had told her.
    “I’m the only son of a perfectionist father. I was driven to do well at school. To get top grades, to excel at sports. My mother thought a son ought to be guided by his father so never interfered in what my dad wanted for me, and my grandparents lived interstate so I saw them maybe twice when I was growing up.”
    Raff looked down at the water and Violet waited for whatever he’d say next. “I took my degree and got a good job and worked all day every day for years. Then I decided I absolutely hated it and was miserably unhappy. I’ve always loved working with horses and being outside. My happiest memories were of me with the horses at the riding school where I worked weekends and every vacation. I’m not an indoors kind of person at all. So I’ve been a cowboy ever since, up until just now when I began working for Darcy.”
    “Do you think one day you’ll go back to the corporate world?” she asked. He hadn’t actually said corporate. He’d said indoors. Hopefully he wouldn’t notice her tiny slip.
    “I suppose to say never it’s a bit like asking fate to bite me on the ass. But it’s not what I want or what I expect will happen.”
    “Good answer.” He’d answered from the heart, yet done his best to explain himself.
    “And you, Darcy?”

Chapter Four

    Darcy hadn’t expected Violet to be quite so quick to shift the focus off herself and onto Raff and himself. But that was all right. This night was

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