Vampire Beach: Legacy

Vampire Beach: Legacy by Duval Alex Read Free Book Online

Book: Vampire Beach: Legacy by Duval Alex Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duval Alex
by the bloodlust and
going to the cops – or even to my own parents!’ He slammed his fist on the dashboard.
    Sienna winced.
    ‘Sorry,’ Jason told her. ‘I know it’s not what
think. But your parents are way out of line.’
    ‘Jason, my parents think that the DeVere Heights Vampire Council might even decide to take some action – against both of us – if they find out how serious we are about each other. I don’t know if they’re right or not. No vampire has got really involved with a human for as long as I can remember. I’m not sure what the Council would do if they thought . . . well, if they thought our whole community was in danger of being exposed.’
    Jason stared blankly out at the parking lot, trying to absorb this new information. He’d watched the DeVere Heights Vampire Council discuss his friend Tyler’s fate. He’d seen them talking about Tyler as if his life was theirs to take if they wanted to. Half the members had wanted Tyler put to death – even though he didn’t have a clue that they were vampires. He was no real threat to them. He’d stolen from them, true, but he couldn’t really hurt them.
    What would the Council do to Sienna if they thought she was endangering all of her kind?
    ‘So I really am a risk to you,’ he said slowly. ‘I don’t want you brought before the DeVere Heights Vampire Council because of me. But we need a plan. There has to be some way to prove to your parents – and the Council – that I’m trustworthy.’
    ‘My parents aren’t going to change their minds,’ Sienna answered. ‘And they would have a mutual meltdown if they thought we were going to try to talk to the Council.’ She fell silent, and suddenly Jason realized what had just happened. She’d said it was over. She’d broken up with him. The truth slammed into him like a killer wave.
    Sienna locked eyes with him. ‘But I’m not giving you up. I’m not.’
    Jason laughed, relief spiraling through his body. ‘That’s good to hear.’
    ‘We’ll just have to act like we’re going along with my parents,’ Sienna said thoughtfully. ‘So, no making out in front of your locker,’ she went on with a grin.
    ‘Or in my car. Or in the cafeteria line. Or in European History,’ Jason added.
    ‘Yeah, because I’m always making out with you in the middle of class,’ Sienna teased.
    ‘You know you want to,’ Jason laughed. ‘So, we keep things secret?’
    Sienna nodded. ‘At school we act like we broke up but stayed friends. We only talk to each other if there’s at least one other person around. And we don’t even do that too much; you know how everyone gossips at this school. Plus – and I hate to say it about my own, but vampires gossip worse than anybody.’
    ‘Yeah, I’ve seen that grapevine in action.’
    ‘Starting now, we go underground,’ Sienna went on.
    ‘So after
, we go underground,’ Jason corrected, pressing his lips against hers.
    He had meant the kiss to be short, fast, sneaky. But the taste of her, the soft warmth of her lips made it hard to pull away. Sienna was addictive. No doubt.
    ‘This whole "not talking to each other too much" thing is going to be tough,’ he told her at last.
    ‘Complete torture,’ Sienna agreed. ‘We have to meet up tonight.’
    ‘Where?’ Jason asked, already mentally sorting through the possibilities.
    ‘Someplace no one goes,’ Sienna answered. ‘But now we have to move. Looks like the first bell already rang.’ She nodded toward the people suddenly streaming into the mission-style main building of DeVere High. ‘We’ll have to figure it out later.’
    ‘OK. We’ll text.’ Jason took her hand and brought it to his mouth. ‘And we’ll ignore each other.’
    Sienna’s breath quickened as he kissed her palm. ‘That won’t be easy,’ she murmured.
    Jason reluctantly let go of her. When she’d hurried into the school, he climbed out of the car and walked into the building alone. As if they’d broken up.

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