Victoria's Challenge

Victoria's Challenge by M. K. Eidem Read Free Book Online

Book: Victoria's Challenge by M. K. Eidem Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. K. Eidem
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Literature & Fiction, Fantasy
him, he may never trust you again. Or, you can let him be, keep him close and watch him suffer for the rest of his life, knowing he’ll never fly again.”
    “That would be cruel.”
    “Crueler than hurting him?”
    “No ,” she whispers softly.
    “So are you willing to take the chance of him leaving you when he no longer needs you?”
    “You left me grandpa…” Tears fill Victoria’s eyes as she looks across the dying fire.
    “Never . I’ve always been with you. You’re my squirt. I love you.”
    Victoria opens her eyes. Where is she? Where’s Grandpa? Sitting up, she frantically looks around. Where is she? A snore has her looking to the couch, Lucas. She’d been dreaming, dreaming of Grandpa and a… a hawk, an injured hawk, a hawk with beautiful eyes. Lucas.
    Rising she walks over to watch him sleep. She knows what her dream means, what grandpa is trying to tell her. Is she strong enough? Does she love him enough? Even when he doesn’t love her? Enough to want what’s best for him, even when it’s not best for her?
    Scanning his hands again, she picks up the headset he’s dropped on the table. Walking over to the comm center, she connects with Dr Magnes.
    “I ’m bringing the Major in. He needs his bandages removed. Now. Have the manipulator ready.” Setting down the headset, she sees Lucas is awake and listening.
    “What’s wrong?”
    “Nothing. Yet. The muscles in your hands and fingers are starting to tighten. We need to keep them flexible. You’re getting your wish, Major, the bandages are coming off. Let’s get you dressed.”
    In medical, Magnes waits in the private exam room, knowing this is going to be tough on everyone. As Zafar enters, he can see he’s rested and unconcerned. Chamberlain follows, the look in her eyes telling him she knows what’s about to happen.
    “Well Zafar . Let’s get these off.”
    “About time, damn things itch. ” Lucas sits on the cot.
    “That’s a good sign, means your heal ing.” Carefully Magnes removes the bandages, pleased to find no infection in his arms. Carefully unwrapping his hands, Magnes eyes shoot to Victoria and sees she already knows.
    Lucas watches the bandages come off . While he thought he’d been prepared for what he’d see, he is still shocked. His skin is red and raw with angry gashes where the flames had bitten deep. His hands are red and swollen, with parts of his skin peeled back, where blisters have popped but it’s his fingers that shock him. While they’ve been painful, he hadn’t realized they were bending at unusual angles.
    Victoria watches Lucas carefully, her heart aching at the thought of what he was going to have to go through to get back in a Blade . Her dream had been right.
    “What’s wrong with my fingers?”
    “Nothing uncommon.”
    “What the fuck do you mean? Look at them!” Lucas demands.
    “Major , your tendons are tightening due to the trauma and swelling," Victoria informs him calmly. "It’s common for your injuries. That’s why you need rehab. Where’s your unit?” Magnes gestures to the table behind him as he continues to exam Zafar’s injuries.
    “Dr Magnes. ” Victoria draws his attention, her voice eerily still. “Could I speak to you outside please?”
    “In a minute.”
    “ Now Dr Magnes, we’ll be back in a minute, Major.” Leading the way, Victoria waits until the door is closed before she erupts. “What the fuck is that machine!”
    “It’s our rehab machine. ” Magnes looks at her shocked.
    “ What’s it rehabbing? A fucking Blade!” She takes two angry steps before turning back to face Magnes.
    “It’s what we have , doctor!”
    “Fuck ! Fuck! Fuck! Why didn’t I ask? He should have been on the Phocion.”
    “I don’t understand . We use this machine all the time for rehab.”
    “For broken fingers and hands correct?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    “Burns have to be handled differently . Every muscle has to be worked, equally and systematically or one will

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