Virgin With Butterflies

Virgin With Butterflies by Tom Powers Read Free Book Online

Book: Virgin With Butterflies by Tom Powers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tom Powers
was a crowd around the bar and Pimples says, “What’s all this so-and-so about me being let out by them stumble bums?”
    â€œSomebody might hear us,” I says. “I guess you don’t want people to know you got kicked around.”
    â€œI never,” he says pretty loud, and two little pink spots come out on his greenish-white face and his little pig eyes looked like he was going to cry. “I blacked the Beaver’s eye and I poked Yanci in the mouth and I took it away from ’em, didn’t I? Look there, I got it, ain’t I?”
    â€œDon’t talk here,” I says, “it’s too crowded and we can’t get no service. I better go back to my friend.”
    â€œNo, wait, listen for Chrissake,” and I saw he wanted to talk about it. I knew he was worried about getting kicked out. They’re all like kids, these boys—at least around each other, that is. Who is leader and who ain’t, they’ll shoot and stab over that. I’ve seen it, often.
    â€œListen,” he says, “I gotta talk to you. Come on up.”
    I said I couldn’t leave my friend, but he was determined.
    So, “Listen,” I says, “you’re just trying to fool me. I bet that’s a fine ring you swiped off of somebody. Lemme see.”
    â€œNuts,” he says, “it’s just a phony, like them giant’s rings they sell in the circus for a dime. I don’t know nothing about no jewelry jobs. You know me, I work on alcohol, exclusive, me and my guys.”
    â€œYour guys?” I says.
    â€œSure,” he says.
    â€œThat ain’t what they say,” I says.
    â€œListen,” he says, “I’m drunk,” he says. “I never rightly looked at you before, but when I get a dirty deal, like that squirt Yanci trying to take this off of me, right there in Butch’s place before everybody, I get my feelings hurt. And when I get like this I gotta have somebody be nice to me, see? I got a room here, see? Come on up.”
    â€œAnd be nice to you?”
    â€œSure, I’ll treat you right, what do you want?”
    â€œWhat’ll you gimme?”
    â€œAs much as that mush you was rouletting with. Don’t stand there looking big eyed, come on up, for Chrissake.”
    â€œCome up and what?”
    â€œAnd be nice to me, you dope.”
    He didn’t know about the butterflies. I was just standing still for a minute and they turned into eagles.
    â€œWhat are you stalling for? Want the dough first? No soap. I work strictly C.O.D. What’s the matter, you think I ain’t got the dough? Look.” And he showed a roll.
    â€œI don’t want your money. I like jewelry,” I says. “Will you give me the ring if I’m nice to you, like you said?”
    â€œListen,” he says. We were going by the switchboard, and I could hear the girl saying, “I’m sorry, but Mr. Grossi can’t be disturbed.”
    Pimples was still talking.
    â€œThis is a phony, see? And I gotta keep it to show those mugs that when I’m boss, they can’t even pick up a Lincoln penny without asking my permission.”
    â€œI know,” I says, “but if they was to gang up on you to take it back off of you, wouldn’t it be better to be able to say, I gave it to a girl? That’s why I want it. If I’m going to be your girl, maybe I want to let them see I got it from the boss, like they do in the movies.”
    â€œSay!” he says. “You ain’t so dumb at that,” and he started into the elevator.
    â€œIs it a bargain?” I says.
    â€œCome on in the elevator,” he says. “We’ll talk upstairs.”
    But I just stood there and the elevator girl looked at me half asleep. Then when he stood in it and me outside she turned and grinned right in his fat face. It’s funny how easy these small-time bad men can be tripped up.
    â€œOkay,” he says quick,

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