walkers the survivors

walkers the survivors by Zelda Davis-Lindsey Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: walkers the survivors by Zelda Davis-Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zelda Davis-Lindsey
Howard and Sam told us the bus was almost useless.  Something in the motor.  It wouldn't last much longer.  "Need to start looking for something else pretty soon."
         "Great!"  yelled Duke, "I just got everything the way I wanted it and now you tell me I have to start all over again."
         "Yep."  Howard said, wiping his hands on a rag. Not a man of many words, our Howard.  "Soon as possible." Then he turned and walked back to the bus to put away the tools, Sam right behind him.  Duke stood there a minute watching them leave then shoulders slumped, he kicked a rock out of his way and went to his bus to pet it.  Aww, a man and his  wheels.  I turned to Mason and said, "Aww, a man and his wheels."
         "Stop it,"  he laughed.  "This is serious, cause it's gonna put us behind nearly a day.  He's gonna want to soup it up like this one and that's an all day deal.  Maybe we should go into Denver anyway, we might be able to find something new there.  Then we wouldn't have to worry about it quitting."
         "Denver!   Are you suicidal?  Nope, no way are we going to do that.  Maybe Loveland has something.  Let's check there first then we can worry about Denver later."
         "Well, I guess we better route this one before everyone takes off."  After a very few minutes with my head slouched over the map, I gave the thumbs up to Loveland.  We turned and went north a bit then west before hitting the interstate.
         Loveland started at the interstate.  We pulled off the road at the first  place we could cause the road was blocked as far as we could see.   Prepared for a herd of walkers any minute, we allowed everyone to get out for a few minutes to stretch.  We were huddled around the sick bus when Mandy pointed and said "What's that?"  Like Pavlov's dogs we reacted.  Howard and Duke dropped and rolled under the bus. The women fought each other to get into the bus, while Mason and I crouched next to the front tire, weapons ready and looking wildly around.  Flynn had jumped on the hood of the bus and was turning in circles looking for the 'that' Mandy referred to.
         "Where?"  I asked.
         "Where Mandy?  I don't see anything."  Sarah said.
         "Over there, Mommy, by the pretty, blue truck."  She said, pointing at the something we still couldn't see.  "See that funny looking truck?  I ain't ever seen nothing like it before."  We looked the direction she was pointing and I finally saw the 'that' she referred to.  All I could do was stare. It was the weirdest thing I'd ever seen.
         It was a RV with tip outs and around 30 feet long or so.  It also was the prettiest purple you ever saw but after that it's hard to describe.  The front bumper was triangular shaped with the headlights recessed.  The grill was extra large and hung over the bumper, oval in shape and above it...well, the round windshield looked like a 5 foot CD disk had fallen forward to lay over the front of the vehicle and just on top of the grill.  The tandem rear-end was closed in and the whole thing looked like it had come from another planet.
         I felt the bus sway a bit and looked up to find Duke on top with Randy.  "Oh. My. God."  he said.  I forgot to mention that on the side of the thing in big white words was written, "Communications/Command Center Larimer County".  He took a step, then another and Randy grabbed him before he stepped off the roof.  "It's mine,"  he said, looking at each of us in turn,  "Don't anyone else even think about it.  It's mine.  Get me down.  Hurry."
         Everyone talked at once.  Trying to convince him to wait for the thing to be cleared before he got himself killed.  We were just barely able to stop him while, Flynn, Clint and Mason prepared to clear it.  Duke finally calmed down long enough to watch from the rooftop of the bus while we took care of business.  A fuel tanker behind the gas station had our attention and when

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