What a Pair!

What a Pair! by Wanda E Brunstetter Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: What a Pair! by Wanda E Brunstetter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wanda E Brunstetter
blackberry pie.”
    Russell smacked his lips and smoothed his shiny blond hair back under his straw hat. “That sounds really good. Just don’t be gone too long, ‘cause we need to be home in time for supper.”
    Feeling a little better about things, Mark hurried away. He had a hunch he might be more successful at berry picking than he was at fishing today.
    When Mark reached the berry patch, he was pleased to discover lots of plump, ripe berries. The only problem was all the good ones were deep inside the berry patch. The ones near the edge had already been picked by someone else. Or maybe some critter had eaten them. Well, he’d do the best he could and get the ones he could reach.
    Mark started picking lickety-split, eating a few of the juicy berries and putting the rest into the bucket. By the time he’d picked all he could reach, the bucket wasn’t even half full of berries. He’d need a lot more if he was going to take some home for Mom to bake a pie.
    Guess I’ll just have to go deeper into the bushes
, Mark decided.
    He pushed a thorny branch aside and hollered, “Ouch!” when it scratched his arm.
    “Ouch! Ouch!” Even through his pant legs he could feel the harsh thorns of the blackberry bush. They seemed to be grabbing at him with every step he took.
    I’m tough. I can do this
he told himself
Can’t let a few stickers keep me from getting all those juicy, ripe berries
    Deeper and deeper into the blackberry bush he went, until a whole bunch of plump, purple berries were within his grasp.
    Plunk! Plunk! Plunk!
The berries went into the bucket, until it was almost full. Then Mark ate a few more berries, until his stomach was full as well.
    “Kumme, Mark! It’s time to go!” Calvin called. “Hurry up now, the wind’s picking up and it might start to rain!”
    “Coming!” Mark hollered, looking up at the sky. He was surprised to see how cloudy it had gotten when just a short time ago it was nice and sunny.
    He took a step forward and realized that he was surrounded by thorny bushes. No matter which way he went he was bound to get all stuck up.
    “Oh boy, guess I’m not as tough as I thought I was. Sure wish now I’d never come in here,” he muttered. “I need to get out really fast!”
    Bzzz … Bzzz …
A big bumblebee buzzed Mark’s ear.
    He swatted at it, but that only made things worse. The bee left its stinger in Mark’s right hand.
    “Yeow!” Mark dropped the bucket, and plowing through the bushes, he heard little ripping sounds as the thorns held fast to his shirt and pants.
    Finally free of those prickly stickers, he ran screaming all the way back to the pond.
    Just as he reached his brothers, a gust of wind came up, and—swoosh!—it lifted Mark’s hat right off his head. The wind carried his hat this way and that, and then it landed in the water!
    “Oh no,” Mark groaned. “I wish I’d stayed home with Mattie today.” No fish, no berries, torn clothes, a bee sting, and to make matters worse, his hat was now floating in the middle of the pond!
    Giving one last glance at his water-logged hat, Mark’s mouth dropped open as he watched the biggest trout he’d ever seen leap into the air and snatch a bug that had been hovering over the water.
    Lifting his arms in exasperation, Mark thought to himself,
I know Mattie’s got to be having a better day at home than I am here, ‘cause I’m sure having a terrible day!

    “We’ve got to find Ada!” Mattie shouted to Stella. “It looks like rain is coming, and if I don’t find her before Mom gets home, I’ll be in big trouble.” Tears welled in Mattie’s eyes and dribbled onto her cheeks. “W–what if I never see my little sister again?
… What a terrible day!”
    “Calm down, Mattie, and take a deep breath.” Stella put her arm around Mattie and gave her a reassuring squeeze. “Ada’s got to be here someplace. Let’s try and think if there’s somewhere we haven’t thought to look for her yet.”

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