When Love Takes Over You

When Love Takes Over You by Norah C. Peters Read Free Book Online

Book: When Love Takes Over You by Norah C. Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Norah C. Peters
Tags: Romance, romantic short story, short story romance
    When Love Takes Over You
    by Norah C. Peters
    Copyright 2013 by Norah C. Peters
    Published on Smashwords
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    About the Author
    * * *
    When Love Takes Over You
    Susan took a deep breath and followed the
P.A. into Mike Forest’s power office. Mike was standing behind his
desk, shouting into the phone when he looked up and noticed Susan,
his jaw dropped and with a few well chosen expletives he slammed
the phone down.
    "I’m Mike, pleased to meet you," he held out
his hand and firmly shook Susan’s hand.
    "Good to meet you Mike, I’m Susan," she
squeaked as she felt the strength of his hand and finally got to
see him close up. He was taller and more manly than she’d expected
after seeing him on so many TV interviews over the years. At only
37, Mike was the biggest property developer in London with an ego
to match and the well toned body of a man who still found time to
hit the gym. Susan felt weak at the knees as she slid into her
seat. She tried not to stare but she couldn’t. She took in his
tanned face, his strong jaw line and those deep blue eyes that
danced in the light. His jet black hair was cut short and with his
tailored dark suit he looked like he had just stepped out of a
photo shoot.
    "Are you feeling ok, Susan? You look a little
pale. Let me pour you some water."
    Susan sipped the water and trembled. "Oh
thank you, that’s very kind of you. I don’t know what’s come over
me today. Anyway, I’m ready to get started if you are. I read over
your email but I could do with some more details before I can come
up with some initial interior design ideas for you to look at."
    "Of course. Let me give you a quick run down
of what I’m working on. I’ve just been awarded planning permission
to build a luxury development in Battersea, right on the river
bank. It’s going to be my biggest project to date and I need to
make sure I’m working with the very best people because this is
going to be the most exclusive apartment building in London. I’m
talking a parking spot the price of a small flat in the commuter
belt. Think five star luxury for only the most exclusive
international clientele." Mike adjusted his red silk tie and
scratched his chin before tapping his fingers on the desk. "And one
other thing, I don’t suffer fools gladly, I expect 100% from anyone
who works on our projects. We’re all in this together and I want to
ensure this development is a huge success. And clearly, that’s
where you come in because I need a wow factor but it’s got to

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