Sky swallowed awkwardly still watching him in a stunned kind of silence. She didn’t recall the exact day, because she pretty much wore that same scarf and mittens all winter…she had to, Bella had knitted it for her.
“I came back the next day to see if you turned up and when you did, I came back every day that week.”
She realized she had to say something, but it actually hurt to try to form some kind of intelligent sentence. “How far out of your way is it?”
“About thirty minutes.”
Sky stared at him. Was this guy for real? He drove thirty minutes out of his way to get coffee from a place just because… “Why exactly would you do that?” she asked, wondering if she was somehow misinterpreting this…surely she had to be...this hot, delicious smelling, morsel of a man wouldn’t drive all that way just…
“To see you every morning.”
“It’s not as creepy as it sounds,” he offered, sounding hopeful.
If this was some weird-looking guy with a hunchback it would have been very creepy…so did it really make it any less creepy just because the guy was good-looking? Serial killers could be good-looking couldn’t they? Come to think of it, she’d never really seen a good-looking serial killer on the news…so maybe it was safe to assume good-looking stalker-type men were not serial killers…
“I promise I’m a good guy. I’m a cop,” he added with a shrug.
If only he knew she’d grown up with the inbuilt distrust of anything to do with the law, he’d realize how that remark was anything but reassuring. Instantly her father’s image popped into mind and her teetering giddy excitement fell flat on its face. He was a cop and her father was the president of a notorious motorcycle club.
“I should have kept my mouth shut. It’s freaked you out hasn’t it ?”
“No,” she said quickly. “No it hasn’t. It’s just…I’m a little surprised.”
“I’ve been trying to ask you out for months.”
“You have?”
He grimaced and dropped his gaze to the table top and began fiddling with the silverware. “I’ve never been very good when it came to approaching women.”
No freakin ’ way. “You can’t be serious?”
“It’s true.”
“But you’re hot,” she stopped abruptly and groaned silently. She did not just blurt that out loud…but one look at his smirk told her that she had. “You don’t look like the shy type,” she added, clearing her throat.
“I am when it comes to women,” he shrugged. “Anyway, I wanted you to know that you made my mornings.”
“Well, after seeing where I work you can understand why you were kind of the highlight of my day, too.”
“How long have you been working there?”
“Almost twelve months.” It felt like a millennium.
Caleb let out a soft whistle. “Wow, that’s a long time to put up with that boss.”
“It’s a long time to imagine sticking a fork into someone repeatedly…and even harder not to actually do it,” she said dryly.
She loved the sound of his deep chuckle. She loved the way his hair did that little curl thing on his forehead and how it was slightly longer on the top and short at the back, it was just begging someone to run her fingers through it.
“I’d say you had remarkable self-control—you’d be surprised how many people don’t control the urge, “he smiled slightly.
For a moment she thought he’d read her mind. “You must see a lot of messed up stuff in your job.”
He shrugged slightly. “I deal with white collar crime mainly at the moment. But I’m aiming for something with a little more action in the future,” he shrugged.
“Armed robbery, narcotics,” he said reaching for his water casually. “Or homicide—that would be my ultimate goal. But I’ve only just made Detective which is pretty good considering my age, so I’m happy to prove myself a little first before I go for the big league.”
“Homicide’s classed as the big