Wings of Darkness: Book 1 of The Immortal Sorrows Series

Wings of Darkness: Book 1 of The Immortal Sorrows Series by Sherri A. Wingler Read Free Book Online

Book: Wings of Darkness: Book 1 of The Immortal Sorrows Series by Sherri A. Wingler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherri A. Wingler
serve her right if her mascara left streaks.
         Alex said something to me, but I
was distracted and had to ask him to repeat himself.  He wet his lips and
cleared his throat.  “I asked if you’d like to go out with me this
weekend.  Only if you feel like it, though.”
         Seriously?  My nasty,
suspicious, little mind was going a mile a minute trying to figure out what his
angle was.  I realized that most girls in our school would have just curled
up and died if Alex Winters gave them the time of day, and I was probably just
being an ass, but I couldn’t help wondering why he was suddenly being so
friendly.  “Aren’t you and Jenny still a Thing?”
         Alex shook his head. 
“Nope.  Not since last spring.  So will you at least think about
it?”  He looked sincere enough, but Alex had those dark chocolate, puppy
dog eyes that always looked sincere.
         I nodded.  “Ok, let me think
about it?  I’m still kind of sore—“
         “Alex, baby, what do you think
you’re doing hanging out with this loser?”  Jenny ran her hand up and down
his back as she tried to lean in for a quick kiss.  Alex flinched away
from the contact and took a step back.
         “What the hell is wrong with you,
Jenny?”  He actually looked pissed.  Really pissed, like he might hit
her. Jenny, however, didn’t look the slightest bit sorry for barging into our
conversation.  She was either clueless, or dumb as a stump.
         Jenny flipped her hair over her
shoulder and snapped her bubble gum sharply as she turned her back on me.
Clearly, I was a non-issue to her. Fine by me.  I did not want in on their
drama. “Nothing, baby, I just missed you, and thought I’d save you from hanging
out with the wrong people.” I snorted; couldn’t help it.  She was such a
shallow skank.  I wondered how long it would be before she realized that
she’d peaked in high school. Once her looks were gone, she was done.  She
surely couldn’t make it on her personality.
         I really didn’t want, or need, to
get caught in the middle of this awkward little mess.  “I’ll see you
later, Alex.”  I clutched my books to my chest and started to leave. 
Jenny’s tiny, slipper-shod foot shot out in time to trip me as I walked
past.  I heard Jenny giggling her wicked witch giggle as she moved along
on down the hallway as I started to sprawl head-long into the floor.
 Alex’s arm shot out to catch me.  He held me for just a moment too
long against his chest, so close I felt his heart hammering away.
         I pushed away from him and
straightened my clothes back into position.  It was embarrassing, but
probably not the worst thing that Jenny had ever done to someone.  I can’t
say that I didn’t have my fantasies about punching her in the face, and
watching her teeth go flying, but I absolutely couldn’t get into trouble and
ruin my chances at a good college.  Especially not for someone like
         Alex reached to pick my books
up.  “Thanks, Alex.”
         “You’re welcome.”  I went to
get my books back, but he wouldn’t give them up.  “Let me hang onto
these.  Come on, I’ll walk you to class.”  Then he took off towards
my first class, leaving me no choice but to follow.
         My whole day went by in a
blur.  Every teacher, in every class asked after my health; a couple even
looked guilty for assigning me homework. It finally started to wear on my last
nerve; I was sick of talking about my stupid wreck.  They needed to just
let it go.  The students weren’t nearly as big a pain as the teachers, and
the ones who did stop to ask how I was doing were mostly confused about why I
was back in class when I could have had a free pass to stay home.  It was
every slacker’s dream.  I had a legitimate reason to skip school.
         I couldn’t afford to slack
off.  I’d been planning my escape from my little town since I was a
kid.  Taking

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