Wings of Darkness: Book 1 of The Immortal Sorrows Series

Wings of Darkness: Book 1 of The Immortal Sorrows Series by Sherri A. Wingler Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Wings of Darkness: Book 1 of The Immortal Sorrows Series by Sherri A. Wingler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherri A. Wingler
Lunch wasn’t setting well with me, now. I had a sick
feeling in the pit of my stomach, and a nagging feeling that I was missing
something important.  Oh, well, I could still blame my idiocy on my recent
head injury.  There was that, at least.
         “Now,” Gwen leaned across the
table, and rested her chin on the back of her hand, “why don’t we talk about
something really important?”
         I had a sinking feeling that I knew
exactly where this was going.  “What’s more important than Rodney, the
         “Rumor has it that Alex Winters
walked you to class this morning, carrying your books, no less.  So why
don’t you give your long-suffering, not to mention
friend, the exclusive scoop?”
         I shrugged my shoulder.  “No
big deal; he asked me out, and then Jenny took her cloven hoof and tripped me.”
         Gwen’s eyes lit up in a way that
could only mean something bad for someone; Jenny, if I were to make an educated
guess.  “Ok, first things, first.  That’s awesome.  I always
knew he had a major crush on you.  It’s about time he grew a set and asked
you out.”  She started looking around the lunchroom with a predatory
glare.  She was looking for Jenny.  “And second, that little bitch is
gonna be bald by the time I get done with her,” she snarled. 
         “Gwen, calm down, it’s no big
deal.  She didn’t hurt me; Alex caught me before I went splat.  She
isn’t worth getting detention.”
         Gwen smiled sweetly.  “I can
make it worth my time.”
         “How did you ever get this
blood-thirsty?  Your parents are perfectly nice people.”  I shook my
head, and chuckled weakly.  “Just let it be.  Karma has a way of
biting people like Jenny in the ass.”
         “Ok, Iz.  Whatever you
say.  I’ll just let it drop.”  I didn’t trust Gwen for a
minute.  She may let it go for now, but one day soon, there would be a
detention to be served, and Jenny would probably be bald and sorry that she
messed with me.  Gwen didn’t let anything go for long.
         “Thanks.  Are you ready to
go?”  I stood up and collected my trash on the lunch tray. 
         “Sure.” She stood up and grabbed
her own tray.  “By the way, at some point we will be discussing your date
with Alex.  I haven’t forgotten that part.”
         I rolled my eyes.  “Never
doubted it, but there’s probably not gonna be a date with Alex.  So don’t
hold your breath.”
         She smirked at me, and her eyes
danced with delight.  Uh. Oh. That look was never good. “We’ll see. 
Oh, look, there’s Alex.  See ya!”  With that, she took off for the trash
cans at high speed, leaving me alone to fend for myself. 
         Alex came up to me, smiling
easily.  He really had a great smile, but then again, his dad was the
town’s only dentist, so it wasn’t all that surprising.  “Hey, Izzy, about
this morning… I don’t want to come off as a creepy stalker, but I really would
like to take you out sometime.”  I’d gotten to class just as the bell
rang, so we never got to finish our earlier conversation, much to my relief.
Guess this was as good a time as any to finish it.
         I kept walking what was left of my
lunch over to the trash cans.  Alex slowed down to match my much shorter
stride.  He nudged my shoulder playfully, trying to get my
attention.  I was pretty sure every set of eyes in the cafeteria were
trained on us in open disbelief.  I hated being put on the spot about
anything.  It made me incredibly uncomfortable.
         I don’t know why I was so
suspicious of him; I just kept flashing on the book,
, by Stephen
King.  The prom king just doesn’t up and ask out the nerdy girl for purely
simple, good-hearted reasons.  There are always dire consequences for the
nerdy girl.  Alex was a good guy, though, I knew that.  I just had a
nasty, suspicious mind.
         I dumped my

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