Wise Folly

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Book: Wise Folly by Rita Clay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Clay
were not listening to him, but to some voice deep inside that weighed the truth of his words. S he tilted her head sideways, and very lowly her smile grew. She stepped into the room, stopping just short of Noah’s chair. “ You must have talked to my m ama . She always says I'm beautiful.”
    “And she’s right . ”
    “I want to look just like her when I grow up. An’ I will too,” she stated, holding on to one long corn-colored pigtail, " cept for my hair.”
    “I think you look just l ike her now,” he answered softly. “Except for your hair. That comes from your father’s side of the family. All the Westons have hair your color when they’re young. Some keep it and others grow darker, as I did.”
    “You had my color hair? "
    He nodded. “ W hen I was a little boy, just about your age.”
    “Are you very old now?’ She tilted her head to one side and studied the smile lines around his eyes very carefully. "You look old."
    “Tabby! That’s not polite, dear,” June admonished, but Noah’s hand rose to halt her speech, his eyes never leaving Tabby.
    “Not too old yet Tabby. How old are you?”
    "I'll be seven in March.” She stood just a little taller, proud of her claim to years. Suddenly a cloud passed over her face and she looked uncertainly at her aunt then back to Noah. “Aunt June says my mom doesn’t feel well. Wh ere is she? ”
    “Your mother feels better already, Tabby. She just need s rest . Do you mind not seeing her for a day or so ? Your aunt has offered to have you stay here and play with your cousins. That way your mother won’t worry about all the things that need to be done and get tired again.”
    “I miss her, but I want her to get better fast . I’m all she has, you see.” Her lower lip trembled slightly and Noah unconsciously put his hand over her small one, surprised at the frailty of her tiny bones.
    From the moment Tabby had entered the room all cynicism had fled his features and June had glimpsed another facet of his character. But now, even laughter was erased as he returned her serious look.
    “I know. I’d like to help you take care of your mother so she doesn’t get so tired again. Do you think we could take a drive and talk about it?”
    Before June knew what had happened, Tabby and Noah were gone, promising to return in an hour. Everything was out of her hands now and there was nothing else she could do. Noah had neatly maneuvered her by playing on her own feelings that justice should be done.
    “Dear God, let this work out” she prayed as she absently straightened the cushions on the couch. “Please let this work out!”
    As promised, Noah had Tabby back inside the security of June’s house within the hour. He spoke with June and David again, giving a few more details of his plans for the woman and child he had taken into his protection, then bid Tabby an affectionate farewell, once more swallowing the lump that formed every time he looked at her.
    Five minutes later Noah entered the flow of traffic on the freeway back to town. Reflexes took over the driving as his mind wrapped around a jumble of thoughts. There was so little the private detective had been able to tell him over the past few weeks. He hadn’t mentioned how thin and fragile the child was, or how sweet . He never said how grown up she behaved as she pondered questions before putting an answer to them. Tabby was a Weston, all right . Any doubts he might have harbored had been blown to bits the minute he saw her standing in the doorway. Dianna had to be given credit for raising her to be such a charming little girl. She had done her job well. And she'd done it all without his money or help.
    He turned the wheel slightly to adjust to the curve of the highway. Now all he had to do was clear Catherine out of the way and Tabby and her mother could step into their rightful place. But that wasn’t going to be easy.
    He had first met Catherine Sinclair seven years ago in Nashville at a run-down

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