Witch Is When Stuff Got Serious (A Witch P.I. Mystery Book 11)
conduct a funeral.”
    That’s when I noticed the digital recorder mounted on a tripod in the corner of the room.
    “Are you recording this?”
    “I will be doing in a minute.”
    “What exactly is it you’re doing?” Did I really want to know?
    “Recording my audition, obviously.”
    “How silly of me not to realise.” I took a deep breath, and then let him have it. “What audition? And why is there a coffin in my office?”
    He sighed. Winky had exasperation off to a fine art. “Firstly, this is not a coffin. It’s a prop. Secondly, I’m taping my audition for The Meow Factor.”
    “Please tell me that isn’t what I think it is.”
    “It’s the biggest talent competition in the feline world.”
    “You mean like the X Factor?”
    “Sort of. They copied the Meow Factor.”
    “Don’t you have to go into the studios to audition?”
    “No. Anyone can record and submit an audition of their act. The judges at Meow Factor view them all, and invite the top sixteen onto the live show.”
    “I’m really not sure the world is ready for an undertaker/light entertainer.”
    “I’m not an undertaker. I’m The Great Winkini.”
    “The great what?”
    “Winkini. The world’s premier magician.”
    “Ah, right! That’s why you’re wearing that get-up. I still don’t get the coffin, though.”
    “This prop is part of my act. Surely you’ve seen the ‘saw the lady in half’ trick?”
    “Isn’t that a little ambitious? Particularly if you’re recording it? If anything goes wrong, the evidence is there for the police to see.”
    “Nothing will go wrong. You’re talking to a professional here.”
    “Okay. Well, good luck with it. I don’t envy whoever is going in the box.”
    He grinned.
    “Hold on a minute. You surely don’t think I—”
    “Why not? All you have to do is lie down for a few minutes.”
    “If you think I’m getting into that box, and letting you come anywhere near me with a saw, you’ve got another think coming.”
    “Fair enough. I’ll get Jules to do it.”
    “No, you can’t involve that poor young girl.”
    “If you won’t do it, what choice do I have?”
    Poor old Jules. I was probably going to have to let her go. I could hardly put her through this ordeal too.
    “Are you sure this is safe?”
    “Of course. It’s perfectly safe. This illusion has been performed thousands of times. “
    “How many times have you performed it?”
    “A few less than that.”
    “How many times?”
    “I’ve watched the instruction video twice.” He pushed a set of wooden steps in front of me. “Here, climb in.”
    “I’m not sure about this.”
    “I’ll get Jules, then.”
    “Okay, okay.”
    I climbed up the steps, and into the box. As soon as I was inside, Winky closed the lid. There was a gap at the top where my head poked out.
    “I’m having second thoughts about this.”
    Too late. I heard the click of the catches as he fastened them to stop me getting out.
    “You will be careful, won’t you?”
    “Yeah. Don’t worry. I’ve even put a plastic sheet on the floor in case there’s any blood spatter.”
    “What?” I screamed.
    “Only joking. I’ll just go get the saw.”
    “I’m really not sure this is a good idea.”
    All of a sudden, I heard a buzzing sound.
    “What’s that?”
    “Just the saw. Nothing to worry about.”
    “I thought you’d be using a handsaw.”
    “A chainsaw is much quicker.”
    “No! You can’t—”
    He began to cut through the box. I closed my eyes tight shut, and waited for the pain. Moments later, the buzzing stopped, and he spun me around. It was the weirdest sensation. I was looking at my feet which were sticking out from the other half of the box. I wiggled my toes just to be sure, and the toes in the other box wiggled.
    I was freaked out, but also more than a little impressed.
    “That was brilliant, Winky.”
    “The Great Winkini, please.”
    “Would you put me back together again now, please?”
    “There’s no point. The

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