Wreckers or Checkers: In It to Win It

Wreckers or Checkers: In It to Win It by H. M. Montes Read Free Book Online

Book: Wreckers or Checkers: In It to Win It by H. M. Montes Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. M. Montes
could gain some ground on them in the corners.  One other good thing about that guy that was hyper as hell and yelling in our ears, he kept telling us what lap number we were on.  On lap thirty I drove hard in to turn three and felt the ass end of my car start to break loose.  I lifted enough to let it come back and straighten out, then as I exited turn four I moved to the middle of the track. My car was too tight so I had to move back to the top of the track.  I passed the second place car as we raced out of turn two and down the backstretch, that put me right on the leaders bumper.  He dove to the bottom and I stayed on top, out of turn four I passed him like he was barely even trying.  “ Fifty two J, takes the lead! ” the guy yelled “ Ten to go! ” he finished.  Now the bad thing about hearing him say that, my mind went right to the “Oh shit oh shit oh shit” mode.  My adrenaline spiked and I felt my hands start shaking as I gripped the steering wheel tighter, “Calm the hell down and drive.” I told myself.  I never moved off of the high side I kept the same line the next ten laps.  When I crossed the finish line and seen the little girl waving the checkered flag I was in complete shock. “FIFTY TWO J, Jet Crow.  We’ll see you on the front stretch, then to the victory lane!” he yelled.  I shook my head and laughed, “Holy Shit!” I breathed out and flipped my shield up. 
    I circled the track and then stopped under the flag stand.  Before I could even get the chin strap undone, or my five point harness seat belts unbuckled Jason was ripping down my window net. 
    “HOLY FUCKING SHIT BROTHER, YOU DID IT!” he yelled and shook my shoulder.
    I handed him my helmet, “Look at that and tell me what’s wrong.” I told him with a laugh. 
    He turned it from side to side then laughed, “Dude we seen a whole string of the tear offs come out of somebody’s car but we didn’t know who’s.  God damn man wait until you watch the race replay, I don’t think you understand how hard you were driving.  I’m pretty sure Jerod and Mitch covered their eyes a few times!” he told me then stepped back so I could climb out of the car.
    Once I was out of the race car I was being tackled to the track by Mitch and Jerod, “Get the fuck off of me you assholes!” I yelled and tried to push Mitch off of me. 
    “Oh no you sexy mother fucker you are getting a victory kiss from me!” Mitch laughed then puckered his lips up like he was going to kiss me.
    “Mother fucker I’ll knee you in the balls…don’t do it!” I yelled then finally got Mitch off of me. 
    Jerod jumped on me almost making me fall again, “Look at them Jet, they are going fucking NUTS!” he said and pointed to the grand stands. I waved at the crowd and they erupted into more cheers and whistles.  The announcer walked over to me and gave me a one arm hug, “Holy shit man, you have no idea how good of a show you put on, Congrats!  Your pit crew is obviously happy.” He said then turned his microphone on.  Before he could say anything I asked him if I could have some friends come down, then told him to call for Mike, Kim, and Chase.  Once Chase broke away from Mikes grip by the flag stand he ran down the track and right into my legs, “YOU WON JET! YOU WON!” He yelled as I picked him up and hugged him. 
    “I did, didn’t I buddy!” I said with a laugh, then walked around to the stadium side of my car.  The announcer was listing off sponsors on the car, the crowd was cheering so loud I could barely hear Mike telling me congratulations.  Kim hugged me and wiped away a tear, “Don’t say a word, it’s hormones!  That little boy had everybody in our section on their feet cheering for you.” She said and rubbed Chase’s back as he held on to me and smiled big at her.  “I did Jet, they all screamed loud!” he told me and hugged me again around the neck.
    “Alright ladies and gentlemen, boy and girls…here he is

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