Zombie World

Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Zombie World by Ronald DuBois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ronald DuBois
Tags: Zombies
parking lot. I have never seen this parking lot so clear. We
got out and Paul told his men you know what to do and where to go now move it.
TC said sir where do you want me.
Paul said I want you to climb on top of the truck and keep watch out.
TC replied yes sir going sir.
I asked, what is up with him?
Paul said that he is a well-trained soldier.
We headed in on the side that had sporting goods. We were moving slow throughout
the store, making are way to sporting goods. Paul stopped by the pharmacy dept.
I asked him why are we stopping here?
Paul replied it looks like no one has been here yet. We need to come back here in the
morning and bring a doctor with us. He would know what we might need for med’s.
I told him that was a good idea, we will do that.
    We made are way in to where they had the weapons and ammo they didn’t have
much for ammo. We loaded everything we could and headed back out of the store. We
got to the door when we heard gun fire. Paul radioed TC to see what was going on.
TC radioed back and said that there is a lot of zombies heading this way.
Do we have enough time to come out and get into the truck before they get here, Paul
TC yelled out on the radio and said run and make it fast.
We all ran to the truck and jumped in, as we were pulling out I look to see how many
zombies were coming. There had to be at least two hundred if not more.
I asked Paul where do you think they are coming from?
I think there coming from the city, Paul replied.
We got back to base just in time to eat dinner.
Paul asked how many people on that list do you think, can shoot a gun and hit what
there shooting at.
I told him there had to be at least ten people on the can shoot well. I said we can talk
more about it after we eat dinner, we can head to the office.
He replied ok we will talk after dinner.

    After dinner Paul and I went to the office to talk about who and what weapons we
were going to take with us in the morning. Mia walked in to let me know that the
doctor was out here. I opened the door and called him in. I told that doctor what we
need from him. He replied I will go with you in the morning, but I need you to teach
me how to use a gun I am not going out there until I learn to shoot.
I told him that I would give him a crash course on how to us a gun. I also told him
that he would not be alone that someone will be with him at all time.
The doctor said good and headed out the door.
Paul and I were still making plans for in the morning. We were going strong on
making these plan I all most forgot to give the doc. his crash course.
    The sun seems to be coming up soon, Mia came in and told me that Paul was getting
something to eat. He told me to let you know that him and his team are about ready to
I told her to let him know that I am on my way. I went to see if the boys were getting
ready to head out. I met up with Paul on my way to the lunch room to get something
to eat.
I told him that I will be ready to go after I get something to eat.
He said that he was going to talk to the group that was going with us this morning. I
want to make sure that they understand what we are doing today. We don’t need
someone out there that might get us killed.
I told him that I would be right there, let me grab a donut, and a cup of coffee.
By the time I got out there Paul had everyone cheering, and he was telling everyone
that we are going to bring things back that were going to make everyone’s life better. I
walked over to him and said gave a great speech I just wish I was here to hear it all.
    We were on are way back to W-mart, Paul slowed down just before we got to the
parking lot. He wanted to make sure that all the zombies that were there yesterday
were gone. We pulled in to the parking lot there were a few zombies that were still
there. He stopped the truck and had TC get out and told everyone to stay in the truck.
He told Tc to get up on to the top of the truck and handed him a rifle with a

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