what was going on, I didn’t even put on my pants before I went
out there. I stood at the front gate in my under wear, yelling to my son Willie what in
the hell is going on.
Willie looked at me and pointed that is what’s going on, zombies are coming. He said
that there has to be at least a hundred. Mia came running down she handed me my
rifle. About ten to fifteen minutes later we had them all down. Paul stood there beside
me and with a grin on his face asked me is this how you fight zombies in you under
wear. I snickered and said be lucky I have this much on. He started laughing.
Everyone on here came a running. Mia got up on the bus and told everyone that we
have a lot to do today. We are going to need everyone here to help get all of these dead
bodies in to the burning pit.
Kelly came up and asked Mia what about the people that are pregnant?
Mai stood up and said the women that are pregnant head to the kitchen and start
making breakfast.
Mia got down and told Kelly thanks I almost got in trouble on that one.
Kelly said I am going to the kitchen.
Mia said stop, you can help with the cleanup.
Kelly said, well you just told everyone who is pregnant to go to the kitchen. Since I am
pregnant I have to go to the kitchen.
Mia got this big smile on her face and ran to John and said you’re going to be a
I told her I know Sabrina is going to have a baby.
Mia said not just Sabrina someone else is making you a grandpa.
Kelly stood there with a shitty grin on her face. I ran over to her and gave her a big
I told her that she just made me a happy man, I am now having two grand kids.
Paul and I went to the office to look over the singe up sheet to see who wanted to
learn to shot and go out and clean out the stores to start. Once everyone that doe’s
learn and doe’s well will be on the team that will help clear the City. We finger that it’s
going to take about three to four weeks before we can head out to do any of the
clearing. We also came up with a plan that if this place doe’s get over run, we have
buses and trucks ready to move out on a moment notice. The buses would carry the
people and the trucks would carry the food and weapons. As we look over the list of
names we were surprised on how many people were on the list. It looked like everyone
that was able to carry a gun were on the list.
Paul said that there is more people on this list then we have weapons.
I told him that there are more weapons out there we are going to have to find them
and bring them back.
Paul told me that the old W-mart might still have guns and ammo there if no one has
already cleared it out.
I told him that there was a trooper barracks in Cooper plans just off the exit. I was
telling him that they might have weaponsthere to. I was telling him that it wasn’t that
far from here. I said that with his men, and my four sons and myself could go there
and check it out. When we get done there we could head over to W-mart and get what
they have also.
Paul agreed and asked when should we do this?
I said that we can get it done today, give me an hour and I will have my boys ready to
He replied good that gives me time to get my men ready also.
I radio and called for Willie, Robert, Bryan, and Xander to come to the office. I also
radioed to my wife Mia to come also. When they came in to the office I told them what
we were going to do. They said that they were ready.
I told Mia that I needed her to stay here and hold down the base until we got back.
Mia told me that they have a lot to do. She said that they need to finish getting to rest
of the dead zombies to the pit to get them burned.
I told her to make sure that they check to make sure that none of them have any
weapons on them that we could use.
She said that she would check every body, she also said that she would not burn them
until we got back.
Paul walked in to the office and said that him and his men were ready to head out.
Mia walked up to Paul and told him to make
Leah Spiegel, Megan Summers