tried to look contrite. ‘I’m only glad I didn’t eat more of the slimy fellows.’
‘Rub it in, will you,’ Alex pouted. ‘I liked them. It appears they didn’t like me.’
‘Here, have a sip of water.’ Casey tried to steer the conversation into a safer direction. ‘You don’t want to get dehydrated on top of everything else. We’ve got to get home tomorrow.’
Alex obediently sipped at his drink. ‘I really am sorry. This wasn’t the ending to our honeymoon I’d envisaged.’
‘Hey, don’t sweat it,’ Casey grinned. ‘It was a great meal, and we had a lovely time. Tonight, and for the past three weeks. It was a fantastic honeymoon. Never mind the—’ She coughed and swallowed the rest of her sentence. But then she changed her mind and carried on blithely.
‘The little kinks and hiccups, the total lack of action —we’ll laugh about that when I’m in labour with our first child. In fact,’ she touched a forefinger to Alex’s nose in lieu of planting a kiss there, ‘at that point, we’ll probably wish we’d stuck with the inaction. You’ll see. Now get some rest, sweetheart.’
Alex closed his eyes and exhaled. ‘You really are the best, Casey.’
‘And you’re my star, Alex.’
Casey pulled the duvet up to Alex’s chin. She turned down the lights and installed herself on the sofa, where she read until she was certain that Alex was sleeping peacefully. Despite everything that had happened, she was feeling a little horny, and she debated giving herself some relief as she lay there in the darkness. But somehow, that felt wrong too, and she fell asleep considering the ins and outs of whether it would be a good thing or a bad thing, relationship-wise, for a newly married woman to pleasure herself. At the end of the day, sex wasn’t everything. Right?
Chapter Four:
‘Home at last.’ Alex took Casey’s hand as they disembarked from their plane at Heathrow. ‘Time to get back to normal.’
‘I don’t know whether to laugh or cry,’ Casey offered. ‘We had such a great time. Our honeymoon! A once-in-a-lifetime event—and now it’s over.’
‘We’ll have another honeymoon sometime,’ Alex promised her. ‘A renewal honeymoon before we get old and grey.’ He tried for levity, but Casey looked crestfallen.
‘Don’t say that! I don’t want to think about us as old and grey.’
Alex nudged his wife in the side. ‘Isn’t that rather the point of getting married? To grow old together?’
‘Sure. But that doesn’t mean I’m looking forward to it.’
Alex huffed, and it was Casey’s turn to nudge him. ‘I’m not looking forward to being old and grey, you oaf.’ She laughed. ‘I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.’
‘That’s all right then.’ Alex smiled.
They joined the queue for customs and soon found themselves in the Arrivals lounge at Heathrow’s Terminal 5.
Alex let out a deep, contended sigh at the familiar sight. ‘Home at last,’ he repeated.
It was true: they had had a great honeymoon. But the fact remained that they still hadn’t made love.
Alex gulped. His feet kept pace with Casey’s as they headed towards the taxi rank outside the terminal, but his mind was miles away.
What on earth had happened to him? He felt deeply unsettled by his inability to satisfy the woman he loved. He simply couldn’t understand what was going on. It wasn’t that he didn’t feel excited. He got aroused. Horny. Desperate , even. He simply couldn’t perform.
And it wasn’t only him either. They hadn’t really talked about it, but he was certain that Casey, too, suffered from some sort of libidinal challenge. One time, he had very nearly managed to join her, but Casey’s body had been uninviting. She had been very embarrassed, and he had laughed it off, trying to be supportive in the same way she had loftily glossed over his floppiness at times. Still, if it wasn’t one of them, it was the other;