A Dark Passion

A Dark Passion by Natalie Hancock Read Free Book Online

Book: A Dark Passion by Natalie Hancock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natalie Hancock
Tags: Paranormal, vampire, Erotic Romance
didn’t stay there for long and moved to Lincoln. I wasn’t always a lover of books, I was more an animal person then. I went to University of Lincoln, Riseholme College, where I studied an animal course for two years. It was only when I saw J.K Rowling’s, Harry Potter books that I start reading. Over the years, I read more books, including Twilight and House of Night and soon I became a huge lover of books. I love reading so much, and all the books that I’ve read have inspired to start writing my own, though reading vampire books did not inspire me to write vampire books myself, my dreams did that for me. I own more than a hundred books, mainly vampires, and read over double. I plan to have my very own library of books that I love and will continue to read repeatedly, without getting bored. I’m a true believer of all things supernatural, and hope that one day, I’ll have the pleasure of meeting one. I live with my partner, Reece and my little zoo which consists of an army of hamsters, a hyperactive chinchilla called, Hektor, four guinea pigs, and two rats. I have written a seven book series called the Cursed in Darkness series. They are Paranormal Erotica Romance books which tells the story of half-breed Layla as she goes about her daily life, struggling with her hunger for blood, to keep her secrets a secret and to keep out of Deaths hands as he constantly reaches out. I am also in the middle of writing a werewolf/vampire/hybrid trilogy called Wolf Hunt and a witch/hybrid/vampire/werewolf series called Hidden Powers.

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