A Different World

A Different World by Mary Nichols Read Free Book Online

Book: A Different World by Mary Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Nichols
another operation; their work did not stop, whoever was in control, though medical supplies were almost impossible to obtain. ‘Poland will go on fighting underground and from other countries.’
    ‘Have you heard from Jan?’ Lech Andersz was in his thirties, a good, compassionate doctor, but, like Rulka, he had had to hardenhimself. They worked well as a team and he was as patriotic as she was.
    ‘I had one letter ages ago now, telling me he was on his way to France. He thought I could get away to join him. He can’t have realised how impossible that is.’ The Germans had taken over the west of the country, including the Danzig Corridor, Poznan, Lodz and Upper Silesia and called it part of the Reich. The Soviets had taken over the east, leaving the middle, including Warsaw, Lublin and Kraków to become the General Government under German control. It was here the population was subjected to particularly harsh treatment.
    ‘So we’re stuck here,’ he said. ‘I’ve heard there’s already the beginnings of an underground army. Shall I find out more about it?’
    ‘Yes. Anything that will help.’ The operating theatre was a fairly safe place to talk. Murmuring in undertones, they could have been discussing the operation they were about to perform. There was a German soldier standing guard outside, but he was not allowed in and he did not know if they were working on a Polish citizen or one of his comrades.
    ‘Where are you living?’
    ‘In the basement of my parents’ house, it’s nearer the hospital than my own apartment.’
    ‘I’m sorry about your parents, Rulka. Doctor Kilinski was a fine doctor. I attended some of his lectures when I was training.’
    ‘Thank you. At least they went together and have been spared this humiliation. It’s the only consolation I have.’
    ‘What about your husband’s parents? Have you heard from them?’
    ‘No, nothing. They are in the Soviet zone, there’s no way to get in touch. I wonder if Jan knows that.’
    ‘I expect he does. If he is in France, then he will know more about the situation than we do. If only the French would do something, invade Germany or something, anything to take the pressure off Poland.’
    ‘I think it’s too late for that, don’t you?’
    ‘I suppose you are right.’
    ‘Better call in the rest of the team and get on with this op before that fellow outside wonders what we’re talking about.’
    If Jan thought the squadron would be re-formed when they arrived in France in October, he was disappointed. While the French authorities and the Polish government-in-exile decided how best they could use the Polish airmen, they were confined to primitive barracks with nothing to do but relive the events that had brought them there, to speculate on when they might see some action and wonder what had happened to their loved ones. Jan had heard nothing at all from Rulka. He supposed she was still in Warsaw under the German occupation. He could not be sure she was even alive. The news was as bad as it could be. Warsaw was in ruins and so many people had been killed that they were having to be buried where they died. Worst of all was the report that nine hospitals full of patients had been destroyed with enormous loss of life. It tore his guts and made him even more impatient to get at the
    But the French seemed to be in no hurry to engage the Germans. Life went on as it had before. The shops were still full of goods, the cafes still open and busy. The French air force confined itself to training and flying the occasional reconnaissance sortie. ‘They must be blind,’ Jan grumbled. ‘Hitler won’t content himself with half of Poland. And now he has wrapped up his problems in the east, he’ll turn west.’
    But it seemed he was wrong. The two sides eyed each other overtheir mutual border and did nothing. The battle-hardened Poles, itching to get at the enemy, became more and more frustrated.
    ‘I’ve heard the Royal Air Force will

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