A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy)

A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online

Book: A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Williams
seemed to know his master’s mind and slowly walked up the path to the crest of the ridge. Just before the top, the steed jerked its head and snorted yet again. Alyna felt Royce tense further and her concern grew.
    A man on a horse stepped out on the path above them. The rider appeared to be a knight even larger than the one she rode with. To her surprise, she felt Royce relax.
    “Miss me, did you?” he called out.
    A sharp bark of laughter dispelled the rest of Alyna’s tension and increased her curiosity instead. “Miss you? Ha! The air is much fresher with you gone.”
    Royce shook his head as he sheathed his sword and urged the horse forward. “All is well then?”
    “’Tis now.”
    “Lady Alyna, may I present Sir Hugh, a friend of mine, and another in the service of your grandfather.”
    The large knight moved forward, as comfortable on his horse as Royce was. He must’ve had Danish ancestors as he had the fair coloring and hair of the Danes that had invaded the coasts of England so many years ago. His face was darkened from time spent outdoors and his bright blue eyes seemed to twinkle whether he smiled or not. A heavy, double-bladed axe was tied to his saddle, its menacing appearance making her wary.
    “Sir Hugh,” she greeted him.
    “My lady.” He bowed as best he could while mounted on a horse. “We’ve looked forward to your visit.” His gaze wandered curiously to Nicholas. “And who do we have here?”
    “This is my son, Nicholas.” She put her hand on his shoulder. “Say hello to Sir Hugh.”
    “Good day, Sir Hugh.” Nicholas tipped forward in his own version of a bow.
    The large knight chuckled. “Good day to you, Nicholas.” He turned his horse to ride beside them. “You’re closer to home than I’d thought you’d be, Royce.”
    Alyna turned back to look pointedly at Royce, her resentment at his unnecessary haste bubbling. “I believe a bit more time to fetch my servants wouldn’t have been out of order after all.”
    Hugh raised a brow as he glanced at Royce. “Aye, well, Royce’s orders were to bring you to Northe Castle with all haste. He tends to take commands literally.” The big man gave her a broad smile that echoed his cheerful blue eyes. “We’re happy you’re with us. Your grandfather is most anxious to visit with you.”
    “I look forward to seeing him as well.” Again, Alyna wondered what her grandfather had to say to her. How would he react when she told him she had no intention of returning to Montvue? She knew it was much to ask of a man she hardly knew even if he was her grandfather, but she had no choice. She would not marry Tegmont.
    “The men await us up ahead. Kenneth is preparing a meal.”
    “Kenneth? How many accompanied you?” Royce asked.
    “You didn’t think I’d come all this way alone, did you?” Hugh looked astounded at the thought. “You never know who might be hiding in the forests waiting to accost an honest man.” He winked at Alyna. “Besides, I knew you’d need a hearty meal to improve your sour mood.”
    Royce merely grunted in response. Alyna looked back to see a small smile on his face. “I must warn you, my lady, Hugh tends to think everyone’s mood is a direct result of the amount of food in their stomach. He’ll ply you with sustenance at every turn.”
    “At the moment, I’d be happy to accept his offer. The meal you provided was less than palatable.”
    Royce leaned over to whisper in Alyna’s ear. “God’s truth, I, too, look forward to Kenneth’s meal, but I refuse to confess that to Hugh. I’ll never hear the end of it.”
    Alyna had to force herself to concentrate on Royce’s words. His breath stirred her hair and sent shivers down her back. She smiled, hoping he didn’t expect her to respond intelligently when he was so near.
    Hugh led the way over the ridge, down the hill, and into a clearing below. A small group of men were gathered around a cooking fire and turned as one to watch their arrival.

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