A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy)

A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Williams
brothers, and therefore, the unrest continued.
    While Royce could understand the unhappiness of the English barons with their king, England could not afford to be torn apart by civil war. That would make the country vulnerable to its enemies.
    “What happened to your cheek?” Hugh stood beside Royce as his horse drank its fill from the small stream. He peered closer yet. “That’s a nasty scratch.”
    Royce looked at him to determine if he was being deliberately obtuse. “The lady is more resourceful than she looks.”
    “Really?” From Hugh’s tone, he apparently found the idea fascinating and continued to examine the mark with great interest.
    “Do you mind?”
    “Humph.” Hugh pursed his lips. “Didn’t she want to accompany you? Do you think she desires the match with Tegmont? Surely she wants to know what her grandfather has to say.”
    “Aye, she seems eager to meet with him, but she wanted to return to the manor to fetch her servants. Apparently she fears for their safety as her father might take his anger out on them when he realizes she’s disappeared. I had a difficult time convincing her to come with me.” Royce tethered his horse nearby. “As for whether or not she wants the match, I cannot say. She has not advised me of that. She did tell me she sent a message to Northe Castle.”
    “There was no message.”
    “She insists there was. One more mystery for us to solve.” Royce sniffed the air in appreciation. Whatever Kenneth had cooking in that pot smelled marvelous. “Have there been any more raids?”
    “Nay. It has been quiet since you left. Too quiet. ’Tis why I took some of the men and came looking for you.”
    Royce smiled. “Your concern for me is touching.”
    “It wasn’t your ugly face I worried about, although now I can see I should’ve worried.” He eyed Royce’s face yet again then sobered. “It wouldn’t do for us to allow harm to come to the lady.”
    “Nay.” Against his will and certainly against his better judgment, Royce’s gaze found Lady Alyna.
    She walked with more ease than before, her stiffness only slightly evident now. Nicholas trotted by her side, then stopped to pick up a stick. The pair made their way over to where Kenneth stood by the fire. Alyna spoke to him, and the cook beamed with pride. He wasted no time dishing up what looked like stew into a wooden bowl. He placed a chunk of bread on top of it and handed it to her with a smile bright enough to light the darkest cave. Then he gave a smaller portion to Nicholas, squatting down to look the boy in the eye.
    Royce knew if he wasn’t more careful, the lady would have him grinning like an idiot and jumping to do her bidding as well. He shook his head at his fanciful thoughts.
    “We’d best get our meal afore Kenneth forgets to save some for us,” Hugh said. He scowled at Kenneth as though the man had already committed the sin.
    Royce had to admit he did feel much better with a full stomach. But he didn’t say it aloud. Of late, he’d found it more and more difficult to endure time spent away from the comforts of a warm bed and a good meal. Truth be told, he was weary of fighting, weary of traveling, and weary of waiting. He was more than ready to lay claim to what was his by right and would soon be by might.
    Before long, they were back on the horses. Uneasiness filled him, but he was uncertain as to why. The sooner they arrived at Northe Castle, and he placed Lady Alyna safely into Lord Blackwell’s hands, the happier he’d be. The lady was a distraction he did not need.
    He pushed the group as hard as he dared. Guilt shot through him as Alyna sighed and shifted restlessly yet again. The boy had ridden with them a short while, then had agreed to ride with Hugh. It hadn’t taken long for the child to fall asleep in Hugh’s arms.
    Royce knew Alyna was tired and sore. And he also knew that if he slowed the pace or better yet, stopped for the night, it would be much easier on her,

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