A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy)

A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: A VOW TO KEEP (The Vengeance Trilogy) by Lana Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lana Williams
occurred to Alyna that she’d never been surrounded by this many men afore. Certainly not when she was the only female in sight. Uncertain as to what was expected of her, she gave them a small smile.
    Hugh put her at ease with his introduction. “Our noble leader has rescued a lady, lads. Mind your tongues as we don’t want to offend her. And this other one is Sir Nicholas. Keep an eye on him because though he’s small, his sword arm is strong and steady.”
    Nicholas beamed with pride as the men laughed in response. Hugh introduced each of them. They all seemed friendly enough and ranged in ages from one who was younger than Alyna to one with gray hair and lines upon his face.
    Matthew, the youngest, blushed when he was introduced. He glanced at her for but a moment and mumbled a greeting. His shyness somehow eased her own.
    Another, Sir Edward, unsettled her with his intense regard.
    Royce noted the men’s interest in Lady Alyna and tamped down his ire. A beautiful woman like her in their midst was a rare occurrence. Of course they stared. He dismounted and lifted her off the horse, keeping his hands about her waist to steady her. “Sore, my lady?”
    “Sore doesn’t quite describe the feeling in my legs. Or rather the lack of.”
    “If you can bear it, the best thing to do is to walk to ease the stiffness.”
    She nodded but seemed unconvinced. He released her to lower Nicholas to the ground. As quickly as possible, Royce moved away from the pair before he did something he’d regret. His time would be better spent on his plan of vengeance. That plan might involve Lady Alyna, and he could not afford to have any sort of feelings for the lady or her son.
    Royce turned to find Hugh behind him, an expectant look on his face. “Well, what?” Royce asked as he gathered his horse’s reins and led it toward the small creek.
    “How does it feel to hold a lady beyond compare in your arms?” He matched his stride to Royce’s.
    Royce wondered what Hugh would say if he told him of the path of his desirous thoughts. He prudently decided not to. Nor would he tell him of the jolt he felt each time he touched her. He was not an impulsive man, but something about the lady made him wish he was.
    Hugh was more brother than friend and one of the few who knew of Royce’s vow. He’d met Hugh when they were both newly knighted. They’d found they worked well together; their strengths and weaknesses complemented each other. Though Hugh was the elder, ’twas Royce who was the leader. He arranged to sell their services for a high premium for short periods of time as they traveled. They’d slowly built their reputation and could now name their price.
    The years they’d spent in Normandy had been fruitful in many ways. He’d accumulated nearly enough wealth to rebuild what his uncle had used and destroyed from his family’s holding. But more importantly, he’d met Lord Blackwell. In him, Royce had found both an employer and a friend.
    With the help of Blackwell and Hugh, he’d already put his plans for vengeance into motion. Soon his uncle would feel some of the pain Royce had felt ever since that night long ago when his uncle had betrayed his entire family.
    In addition to that, he and Blackwell had gained valuable information regarding the group of barons that Tegmont was involved with who were disgruntled with King Henry.
    Henry III had inherited the crown at the tender age of nine. The monarchy had been in the capable hands of regents, including William the Marshall, God rest his soul, until Henry reached five and twenty. During that time, all had been well. But after that, Henry had infuriated many barons by granting favors and appointments to foreigners rather than to the English nobility. Just over a score ago, a baronial revolt had erupted. Although Henry had restored order, he continued to surround himself with French nobility, including relatives of his wife, Eleanor of Provence and his own Poitevin half

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