Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1)

Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1) by Ravyn Wilde Read Free Book Online

Book: Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1) by Ravyn Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ravyn Wilde
Tags: Fantasy, vampire, futuristic, Myths, Werewolf
    “Of course not, she’s thinking. Get out of my way. I need to see my sister.”
    Adam wisely moved from the doorway, letting the red-haired steamroller past him.
    Luke sighed, “I have found that with all the women in the Longtree family, it is just easier to move out of their way unless it is vitally important. You might want to remember that, Adam.”
    Adam followed the odd couple back into Eve’s family room. He wanted to laugh at the t-shirt the spitfire was wearing: “Vampires give the best hickies!” it proclaimed in dripping red letters across a black shirt. Cute. But he couldn’t laugh. Somehow he had to find a way out of this mess.
    “Why don’t you just take her and hide her in Europe or Asia or something?” Luke questioned.
    Adam shook his head, “Before I had any clue what I had gotten myself into I swore a Blood Oath not to interfere with her work. She seemed to have some sort of hang up about that. Foolishly, I wanted to reassure her.”
    “Understood. With Jezi you don’t ever want to mention her appearance. God help you if you try to suggest how she dress, or say anything about what might be appropriate, or that you even like or dislike something she’s wearing.” Luke winced.
    “Don’t tell me. Matthew, the short and hairy werewolf stepfather, told their mother how to dress?”
    “Oh, it was never so crass as to be an outright demand. Just subtle emotional warfare that was visible even to a child.” Luke let out a pent up breath. “The good news is that he learned from his mistakes. Slowly, but he learned. He isn’t nearly the Cro-Magnon, male chauvinist pig that he used to be. Or so Naomi tells me.”
    “Some day I hope to verify that for myself. What is Matthew’s last name?”
    Luke grinned evilly. “Nightclan.”
    Adam winced, his face showing his disgust. “Of course he is a member of a Neanderthal throwback clan. I should have guessed.”
    Adam moved to Eve’s side. He couldn’t bear to see her like this. “Eve, honey.” Three people hissed at him to be quiet. Adam ignored them all. “Sweetheart,” he said as he knelt in front of her. He watched intently as her eyelids fluttered, then opened and he met her warm amber-toned gaze. “You don’t have to work through this on your own, Eve. I am in this with you,” he reassured her.
    “I can’t come up with a plan, Adam. There are too many variables. My sister, Luke, my parents, my brother...Charles. I don’t know how to protect all of them!” she cried.
    “Sweetheart, let Luke and me worry about protecting all of you. Right now you need to concentrate on telling me how to gather up your research. Is it all at the lab? Is there more than one copy? We need to make sure you have it, so that when you have a chance you can finish it. And that someone else doesn’t get a hold of it,” he calmly stated.
    Jezi loudly interrupted, “How can you be concerned about her research at a time like this? What kind of a monster...”
    “Jezi, love, hush,” Luke said firmly.
    Eve blinked, and looked around the room to see her sister and Luke. “I didn’t realize you two had come over.”
    Jezi rushed to her sister. “Luke heard about that jerk boss of yours making an announcement about some of your research and he felt you would be in danger. We came right over and he met us at the door.” She pointed an accusing finger at Adam. “Now he is more concerned with your research than with your safety. Who is he, Eve? What is he doing here?”
    Eve looked at her sister and sighed. “It’s a long story, Jez. And one I don’t have time to go into. You are going to have to be quiet and let me hit the highlights. Adam is my mate. He’s a werewolf and he scented and marked me a few days ago.”
    In order to prove her point, Eve started to drop the sleeve of her shirt when she realized she wasn’t wearing one. She was wrapped in a sheet.
    “Oh, for heavens sake! You can see the marks for yourself, sis,” Eve continued,

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