Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1)

Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1) by Ravyn Wilde Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Adam & Eve (A.D.2203, #1) by Ravyn Wilde Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ravyn Wilde
Tags: Fantasy, vampire, futuristic, Myths, Werewolf
about?” he asked quietly.
    “Ummm, nothing to do with our situation. Well, it has to do with the circumstances between you and me, not the safety issue,” Eve stated. “I know that some human mates stay...well—human when bitten. My mother is one that didn’t change. But some develop the ability to transform, become loupe-garou. I guess that since I found out you were a leader of your clan—a powerful clan—that you will be disappointed with me if I don’t become a werewolf.” Eve turned in Adam’s arms to look at him questioningly.
    Adam looked at her seriously. “How do you feel about it? Do you hate the idea of transforming?”
    Eve shrugged. “It won’t bother me either way. I will still be me, whether I turn hairy once in awhile or not. It is you and your family I worry about. And the fact that we could have human, not Were, children.”
    Adam laughed. “You are worrying too far into the future, Eve. I can tell you that whether you turn hairy or not will never matter to me or my family. The same goes for any children we might have. Remember, Eve, you are my genetic match. More than that, I already know I love you.”
    Eve’s eyes widened. “You do?’’
    “Yes, love. I do.”
    “Why?” she whispered.
    “Your determination and love for your family that comes out in trying to make everything in their world right. Your dedication. And the weird fascination you have for anything with a pink stork on it.”
    Eve laughed. “They’re flamingos! And you forgot to mention how my body drives you wild.”
    “Oh, I didn’t forget that,” Adam said as he slid the butt-ugly blue robe from her shoulders. Softly he added, “And someday, you will come to love me. I have decided to make it my life’s work.”
    “Short work,” she murmured, then smiled as she lifted her arms to pull him to her. Just as his mouth was about to claim hers she moaned, “I already do.”

About the Author
    Ravyn Wilde writes hot romantic books with strong, capable women and happily-ever-after endings. She has been published since 2002 and is a firm believer in escapism, preferring to read and write stories that have little basis in the real world. This is why most of her books are paranormal and Sci-Fi/Fantasy.
    Ravyn has lived all over the western United States, and in a few exotic places like New Guinea and Singapore. Currently living in Utah, she is married with three grown children, and a fabulously fun growing hoard of grandchildren.
    Read more at Ravyn Wilde’s site .

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