Blind Tasting 3
love of her life. 
    Becca thought it odd that she didn’t smell any food cooking as she descended the stairs. The kitchen was empty.
    “Chase?” She called out his name, but there was no answer. She noticed the uncooked food on the counter and looked out through the screened door. He was nowhere in sight and the horses were gone too. She wondered if there had been a fire and he’d been called out. 
    Then she saw the piece of paper on top of the kitchen stool. Maybe he’d left her a note. She gasped when she saw it: The Love List picks. 
    “Shit!” Now she knew why he’d left abruptly. Why the hell didn’t I throw this away? She sat down hard on the stool with a tear in her eye and an ache in her heart. You really messed this one up, Becca. 
    Chapter Eight

    “Chloe, I screwed it up,” Becca told her friend through tears when Chloe answered the phone.
    “What? Your date with Chase? What happened, honey?”
    “Yeah, it was going so perfectly. He’s not the man I thought him to be. He’s so much more. No one has ever made me…feel this…way.”
    “It was so romantic. The horses, the picnic under the oak tree, the champagne, and the kisses. No one ever kissed me like that before. Oh God, Chloe, what have I done?” Becca started to cry again.
    “Sounds like a perfect date,” Chloe said then asked what happened to make her so upset.
    “He found that damn piece of paper I should have thrown out.”
    “What paper, Becca?”
    “The pick. The love list pick.”
    “Ouch,” Chloe replied.
    Becca tried to regain control through her sobs.
    “Pull yourself together girl!” Chloe demanded and told Becca to fix her lipstick and go to him.
    “How do I explain this?” Becca felt so stupid.
    “Follow your heart and tell him how you feel. If he does have feelings for you, it will work out. Now go. Call me if you need me. Love you.”
    “Thanks Chloe, I love you too.”

    Becca drove to the Tanner ranch. Nervous as hell, she rang the doorbell. Cindy Tanner, Reece’s very pregnant wife, opened the door. “Becca darling, I thought you and Chase had a date? He’s been planning this date since you said yes.”
    Becca’s eyes welled up. “I screwed up. He left. I hoped I’d find him here so I could tell him how he makes me feel.”
    “Who is it Cin?” Reece called from another room.
    “It’s Becca.” Cindy smiled. “Come in darling.” Cindy put her arm around Becca and led her to the sitting room. Becca smiled at Reece as she entered the room.
    “Becca? Where’s Chase?” he asked.
    “I thought perhaps you would know. I kind of screwed things up, do you know where he would go?” Becca asked.
    “If my brother is hurting and wants to be alone, I know exactly where he would go. Come on. Let’s check the barn. He must have brought Bella back and then took off.” Reece led the way. He was right and Bella was in her stall. Reece directed her out and saddled her up. He then told Becca where she’d find Chase. “He doesn’t like people to know but my brother is very sensitive underneath the macho appearance.”
    Becca felt touched by the love heard in Reece’s tone. “Thanks Reece. I just hope he’ll listen to me.”
    “I know how much he likes you. I can tell by the expression in your eyes, you feel the same. Speak from your heart Becca. I’m certain it will work out.” Reece smiled and patted the horse. “Now go get him.”
    She rode off with determination.
    She found Chase exactly where Reece said he’d be. “Reece?”  He asked.
    “Yeah, I asked where I could find you. He told me if you were hurting, you’d be here.”
    Chase sat quietly. Becca got off Bella and tied her to the tree beside Chase’s horse, Champ. She sat beside him on the grass. “I’m sorry you found that piece of paper, Chase. I’d like the chance to explain.”
    “No worries. I know my reputation for being a ladies’ man. Guess it caught up with me and bit me in the ass.” His tone sounded full of hurt. He

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