terms while a man’s existence hangs in the balance!”
“Who put him in that position, hmm?”
Lily had her there. Oh, how Anica regretted that split second when fury and frustration had wiped out years of discipline. “You’re right.” The words tasted like vinegar in her mouth.
“Music to my ears, big sis. Music to my ears. Okay, I found something that might work. Stand aside, and let the responsible sister take a shot. Oh, how I love saying that! It’s never been true before, but looking at the mangy alley cat perched on your bookshelf, you have to admit it’s true now.”
Anica closed her eyes and envisioned a lifetime of being blackmailed by her younger sister. “Just do it so we can all go back to our regularly scheduled programs.”
“If you insist.” Lily sighed. “I would love to stand here and poke fun at you for another hour or so, but—”
“Okay, okay. I suppose there’s some reward in that he’ll appear naked. That could be fun. Did you want to get him a towel or something?”
“Yeah, hold on.” Anica hurried to the bathroom and pulled a towel off the rack. When she returned, Lily was waving her wand like a symphony conductor, but Jasper was still in cat form. Anica hadn’t watched her sister do magic in some time and had no idea how she worked these days. “You didn’t start, did you?”
“No. I’m limbering up the wand. I like my men and my wands flexible.”
Anica groaned. If she hadn’t been desperate for help she wouldn’t have called Lily. But she hadn’t been able to think of anyone else who could come at a moment’s notice and could (she prayed) be trusted, or bribed, not to tell.
Lily cleared her throat. “I’ve given up on the Latin chants. Too hard to remember. English works fine for me.”
“You can chant in Portuguese if it’ll break this spell. Go.”
“I’m ready.” Lily raised her wand. “Mangy tomcat, full of grime, tiny dick your only crime—”
“That wasn’t the problem, damn it!”
Lily paused, took a breath and started over. “Mangy tomcat, full of grime, flaccid dick your only crime—”
“It had nothing to do with his dick!”
“I find that so hard to believe. In my world, men either have what it takes or they don’t. I can’t imagine turning one into a cat unless they come up short, so to speak.”
Anica didn’t dare look at Jasper crouched on the bookshelf. “I have no idea whether he would come up short or not.”
Lily stared at her in disbelief. “No nookie?”
“Not yet.”
“What’s wrong with you? You’ve known him for weeks! Okay, I have the chant for this. Don’t interrupt this time.” She rolled her shoulders and shook out her hands. “I need to concentrate.”
“Okay.” Beggars couldn’t be choosers.
“Mangy tomcat, full of grime, low sex drive his only crime, re-create his form sublime. With harm to none, so mote it be.”
Anica doubted that Jasper had a low sex drive, not if Sheila wanted him back on any terms. But Lily was incapable of working a spell without throwing something funky into the mix. Anica had forgotten that until now.
She held her breath and waited for Jasper to appear before them, naked and covered with chocolate mousse. If that happened, it could settle the tiny-dick question once and for all. Anica didn’t believe that supposition of Lily’s for a minute. Fate wouldn’t be so cruel as to make a man as gorgeous as Jasper and give him substandard equipment.
The two women and the orange cat gazed at Jasper, waiting for something to happen. Anica and Lily hoped to see the cat become a man. Orion obviously expected that Fate would deliver this interloper to him once again so he could whip his ass. No cat could stay on a bookshelf forever.
Nothing happened.
Lily examined her wand. “I don’t know the problem. It was working before I came over here. I used it to change the TV channel in the bar from ESPN to American Idol. ”
Panic tightened Anica’s muscles.
Dorothy Calimeris, Sondi Bruner