sucks,” I sighed. I rocked my chair with my bare feet and contemplated what was happening. If my mother was the high priestess that meant one day I would be. Now I didn’t know how I could be. Tomlin and I were already married.
“It won’t be the same for you, love.”
“How can it not be?” I asked.
“I will explain when I get there. It shouldn’t be too much longer. The weather is finally cooperating.”
“Your mother?” Tomlin asked.
“So what did she say?”
“That it won’t be the same for me,” I explained.
“She must have something planned,” Carolyn replied.
“She must,” Tomlin added.
“I guess you can continue the information,” I said. I grabbed Tomlin’s hand and held it tight. I knew this was too much information for me, but it was necessary. I had to know what I was and what I was up against. The people that raised me weren’t what they said they were. Now I needed to know how to defend myself against them.
“People like your ex parents are always trying to get to our priestesses. They know if they can capture one they can use the priestess’s power to keep themselves protected. That is why they kidnapped you. You are born of the high priestess. This means you will be one soon,” Carolyn said.
“But I didn’t know I had this power?”
“You didn’t have to know. They knew,” Tomlin added.
“Your mother went out of her way to keep your identity secret. She hoped that no one would find you. Our mother accidentally let it slip,” Tomlin said.
“Your mother let it slip?”
“She was actually tortured much like I was,” Carolyn admitted.
“Because they wanted the information. This family will stop at nothing to get what they want. They have coveted our power since the beginning. The feud goes back further than even my mother can remember. It is centuries old. This is another reason why I endured what I did. I won’t add to their kind. Sure there is a chance the child would be more like me, but it’s equally likely they would be like Aidan.”
“So you let him tie you up and beat you with a cane?” I asked.
“I did what I must to protect my blood line. You will not have to worry about it. Tomlin’s bloodline is as pure as yours. Your children will be doubly blessed,” she said with a great big smile.
“Tell me what happened to her,” I begged.
“I will tell it, Carolyn.” Tomlin was looking at his sister. It wasn’t until then I saw the tears running down her cheeks.
“You don’t have to if it is too hard.”
“It’s okay,” she sniffled.
“Mother went to town to gather a few herbs for a spell. She was gone far longer than we expected. Deheune ordered us to go find her. We took off in the same direction as her and checked for tracks as we went. We saw drag marks just before town. We followed them to a cave. We looked around outside and listened for twenty minutes before we went in. Whomever had taken her left her hanging from the wall. She was bloody and had strap marks all over her. They had beaten her with a whip and canes. I untied her and we took her back to your mother. She cleansed the wounds and performed a few rituals. Two days later she was better. She didn’t tell Deheune then what she told them. It turned out the people were your parents,” Tomlin explained. I could see it was a strain on him to tell me the story. It was painful. I wished I hadn’t asked.
“Maybe that is enough story telling for today,” Carolyn offered.
“Come on, Grá geal,” Tomlin said, standing and holding out his hand to help me up.
“Anything you say, darling.” I smiled. It was wonderful how he called me darling. I loved it.
I took his hand and stood. The sun was starting to go down. It had escaped my attention how much time had gone by. I thought we were going into the cabin, but he pulled me toward the water. When we got to the edge he dropped his pants and jumped in. I untied my gown and dove