Blue Moon Shadows (Shadow Bound Series Book 1)

Blue Moon Shadows (Shadow Bound Series Book 1) by April Wood Read Free Book Online Page A

Book: Blue Moon Shadows (Shadow Bound Series Book 1) by April Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Wood
in. The water was healing and relaxing at the same time. We swam for a half hour and then did things that scared the fish away. When we were done he led me out of the water and we walked back to the house carrying our clothes. Carolyn was already asleep. We didn’t need to worry about our nakedness. We went right to the bedroom and Tomlin closed the door. Our night was to be full of activity.

Chapter Seven
    The next day brought me closer to my mother. I could feel her now. She was closer than she had ever been. My mind tried to imagine her. Tomlin had told me she was a raven haired beauty. I could see her standing on the shoreline in a white gown with the blue moon washing over her. It was a truly breathtaking sight. I kept it with me always.
    When I made it out to the kitchen the table was already set. I knew by the spread we were definitely training today. It was going to be physically exhausting. I dreaded and loved it.
    I sat down and started to eat, alone. It was a good ten minutes before anyone else joined me. When they sat down the quiet wasn’t broken at all. You could have heard a pin drop or maybe a hair. It was disturbing on a lot of levels. I had to do something to break it.
    “So what’s on the agenda today?” I asked, munching on some ham.
    “We are going to work with telepathy today,” Carolyn said dryly.
    “I have a question about that.”
    “Go ahead,” Tomlin replied. He was helping himself to three more pancakes. He definitely had a great appetite. That made me love him even more. I wasn’t the smallest girl. He could pick me up easily. I loved how strong he was.
    “Why didn’t my mother teleport here?”
    “That’s an easy one. We can’t teleport anywhere we haven’t been. She’s never seen this place with her own eyes. She could probably make it to America on her own, but not to the mountains here in the northeast,” he said with a smile. He had already devoured two of the pancakes.
    “You need to eat. You have to have strength to teleport. I suggest you dig in, Grá geal.” Tomlin plopped hash on my plate followed by two more slices of ham. I looked at it with wide eyes. There was no way this was going to fit in my stomach. He chuckled and waited for me to take a bite. I couldn’t resist for long. I drove my fork in and cherished every single thing that passed my lips.
    “So when do we start?” My mouth was still full of food. I didn’t care.
    Tomlin looked at Carolyn and then they were both gone. It wasn’t fair. I couldn’t help but pout. They were supposed to teach me not show me up. I got frustrated and mad. Then I thought about the water and how calming it was. The feel of it against my bare skin. It made me relax. Then I felt it all around me. I was floating in it when I opened my eyes. Carolyn and Tomlin were sitting on the shore laughing at me. I splashed around a little and then got out.
    “See you can do it,” Carolyn laughed.
    “But I don’t know how I did it,” I complained, sitting down next to Tomlin. My gown was soaked and splashed him when I did. I laughed as he tried to wipe himself off.
    “You did it by relaxing your mind and visualizing where you wanted to go,” Carolyn explained.
    “Try again,” Tomlin requested.
    I closed my eyes and focused on the practice grounds. I even went so far as to put on a dry dress, my armor, and call Andess. When I opened my eyes I was standing in front of the targets. It took two seconds for Tomlin to follow me. It was a while longer before Carolyn showed. She must have thought I had gone somewhere else. Tomlin was also wearing his armor. It wasn’t really armor so much as it was gear you would see on an archer. We had cuff guards on our left arms and leather fingerless gloves on our right hands. It was perfect for working with a wand. Carolyn and I both had metal breast plates as a part of our armor, though she wasn’t wearing any. They were form fitting. I hadn’t really called for it as much as it

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