Blue Moon Shadows (Shadow Bound Series Book 1)

Blue Moon Shadows (Shadow Bound Series Book 1) by April Wood Read Free Book Online Page B

Book: Blue Moon Shadows (Shadow Bound Series Book 1) by April Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Wood
knew I needed it. It was hard to explain. The armor actually came when it was needed and not when it was called.
    “That was classic,” Tomlin said.
    “How did we get dressed correctly and Carolyn didn’t?”
    “Give me a minute,” she said sternly.
    She closed her eyes and her gear was on immediately. She was lovely in her gown and armaments. Her wand was alder with pink touches and a diamond. It was as powerful as it was beautiful.
    “I think you have mastered it,” Tomlin said.
    “Now we should practice with these,” Carolyn said, taking her stance and arming her bow.
    Then I noticed Andess was gone. Slung across my chest was a bow. It was magnificently crafted. It was dark wood and the string shined in the light. Carolyn loosed her first arrow and hit the ring just outside the center target. Then it was my turn. I grabbed an arrow out of the quill on my back and nocked it into place. I drew it back to my mouth and let it fly. All this seemed like a common thing for me to do though I had never done it before. The arrow hit the target dead center.
    “Well I guess you don’t need to practice that either,” Carolyn said. She conjured her bow back and stood there in just her gown. It was blowing gracefully in the wind. I did the same, letting my armor go and the bow.
    “Now take my hand. I need to take us somewhere you have never been,” Tomlin said, putting his hand out for mine.
    I took his hand and closed my eyes. I had complete faith in him. He was my rock in the storm of life. He was the one thing I could depend on. When the wind stopped I could smell the ocean. My eyes opened to take in the deep blue of the Atlantic Ocean. Bouncing up and down on the waves was a large ship with sails. In the water headed toward us was a small row boat. I could see there were several people inside. I couldn’t make out details, but there were at least five passengers and two crew members.
    My heart began to beat hard with anticipation. I just knew she was among the people on that boat. I stretched out to see her. This moment was the one I had been waiting for since I knew of her existence. Actually, it had been far longer than that. My soul knew she was out there and knew I wasn’t were I was supposed to be.
    “Is that her?” I asked, excitedly.
    “It is.”
    “Which one?”
    “Is the anticipation killing you,” he laughed.
    We stood there watching them row closer and closer. When they reached the shore two tall men jumped out and pulled the boat to land. They held it there while the passengers disembarked. When all were off, the men jumped back in and rowed back to their boat. Four of the people, dressed in fine clothes, walked away to the left. I looked up to the hill and saw a fancy carriage waiting. When I looked back she was standing in front of me. Her piercing blue eyes captured my soul. Her raven hair was blowing in the wind. Her wool cape was covering her priestess gown. It was the same one from my dream. It was white and flowing beautifully.
    “My dearest, Riona,” she said, spreading her arms. I stepped into them and let her squeeze me tightly. There was something in her embrace that made me feel like I was home. This woman was the missing part of me.
    “Máthair.” It came out of my mouth like whisper on a faraway breeze.
    “Iníon.” She stroked my hair. I never liked that word before. It meant I was in trouble. When she said it, I felt nothing but love.
    “Shall we head home?” Tomlin asked.
    “Give it a minute, Mac.” She looked at him and smiled. She didn’t want the crew of the ship to see us. If we were here one minute and gone the next it would cause problems. The crew probably already had ideas as the ship arrived a full two weeks ahead of schedule.
    “Certainly, Máthair.”
    “Go raibh maith agat, Mac.”
    “Tá fáilte romhat.”
    Their flawless Gaeilge intimidated me. I only spoke it when I was in trouble. It was spoken around me, but I wasn’t fluent

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