Bombshell - Men of Sanctuary Series, Book Three
cookies left? Kamaka, the cabins all have names. Take cabin number one, The Pine. There are cases of bottled water in the lower kitchen cupboard. Fresh bedding is in the linen closet next to the kitchen area. You’re on your own as far as housekeeping, I’m afraid.
    “You’ll probably want to stock up on snacks when you’re in town—or hit up Lucian’s stash—but you’ll eat here with us. Adam does breakfast, Lucian handles lunch, the boys alternate cooking dinner. Meals at six, one, and six. Roughly speaking. Feel free to raid the kitchen any time you wish.”
    “Miss Lorelei, I can help. I know how to cook.” Kamaka folded his arms over his sizeable girth. “And I’m a good cook, too. Just ask Miss Keko.”
    Keko nodded. “Oh yeah, our boy is quite the chef. He can cook up an entire luau all by his little lonesome. What he can do with pork, coconut, and pineapple nearly defies description. Oh, and don’t forget fresh fish and seafood.”
    “Noted. We’ll put you to work.” Lorelei laid a gentle, caressing hand on Adam’s heavily veined forearm. “My darling man, I believe you’re up for chef duty for supper.
    How about something simple, like cheddar burgers, and perhaps a nice green salad?”
    Kamaka’s countenance lit up, then he smiled, broadly. “Cheddar burgers? Maybe with bacon? Real bacon? All right!”
    Before Keko could stop her, Lorelei snarked, “What, you think I can’t do real bacon?” Then she pasted a pretend-scowl on her face.
    Keko shook her head, pantomimed sadness. “Lorelei, you said the magic words.
    Cheddar-bacon burger. You now have an adoring slave. Forever.”
    She turned to Kamaka. “Before lemonade, let’s sort our luggage, then get everything where it needs to go. C’mon, Pineapple Man.”
    * * * * *
    Keko and Lorelei settled, snugged into a corner of the great room with mugs of steaming chamomile tea, and a plate of Lucian’s sugar cookies. Kamaka lounged across from them.
    Keko reached for another cookie. “Where’d the guys go?”
    Lorelei stretched out on the sofa, got comfortable. “Adam and Lucian returned home with too much nervous energy to burn, after behaving themselves at Lucian’s family’s place—they whomped the snot out of each other on the wrestling mats downstairs, in the training complex. Assuming no real blood was shed, they showered, dressed, and planned to meet MacBride in town to blow off more steam. He went home to shower and change, declining to participate in the organized mayhem on the mats.”
    Keko admitted to herself that she felt relieved when she knew MacBride had gone. She needed time to process all that had happened since she landed at the airport.
    A rumble that seemed to be coming from inside the house suddenly jerked her out of her MacBride mindset. “What the—?”
    Lorelei didn’t even look up from petting the cat. “Not to worry, it isn’t an earthquake. Adam’s moving his truck out of the garage. Ford F-350 Super Duty, dual five-inch chrome exhaust stacks—just in case they need to cross high water. It’s a guy thing.”
    Relieved, Keko settled back in her comfy chair. “Believe me, I understand about guy things.”
    Kamaka finished his tea. He rose, turned, bowed to his hostess. “Miss Lorelei, sorry to beg off sampling what passes for night life in the Cata-whatever Lake town square, although the Hungry Bear place is actually very cool. Chrome, neon lights, art deco. Awesome cheddar-bacon burger, perfect crispy fries, unsalted. What is a catamount, anyway, and why does it have a lake?”
    Lorelei stretched out on one of the sofas, her feet propped on a pillow. The little calico cat nested on the woman’s belly—a belly not yet showing the slightest indication of a baby bump.
    “A catamount is a mountain lion, a cougar. Legend says that a couple of hundred years ago, there was a huge boulder on a tiny island in the middle of the lake that resembled a snarling cougar. I haven’t been here long enough to see

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