Bombshell - Men of Sanctuary Series, Book Three
it firsthand, but that’s the story.
    “Kamaka, I feel like I’m putting the dog out before bedtime by sending you to rough it. We have plenty of room—you don’t need to bunk out in the cabin. Even the cat stays in at night. Since we seem to have somehow acquired a cat.”
    Callie purred under Lorelei’s hand.
    “Miss Lorelei, it’s not a hardship, believe me. Rough it? The cabin is twelve hundred square feet, kitchen, bathroom, gang shower, my choice of eight beds, satellite television. It even has heat. My previous apartment was six hundred square feet and there were always weird people hangin’ out. Present company excepted, of course. Not that I’m complaining, Miss Keko, boss lady.” He grinned. ” Aloha po . Good night. See you in the morning.”
    Keko waggled her fingers. ” Aloha po to you, too. Sweet dreams.”
    Lorelei’s eyes followed the big jovial man as he disappeared. “What’s his deal?”
    “What do you mean, his deal?” The cat switched allegiances, hopped to Keko’s lap. “Hey, critter, how do you know I even like you?”
    “Trust me, she doesn’t care, as long as you pet her. I mean, the dude is a screaming queen, yet well schooled and well spoken when he’s not spoofing people with his homeboy island dialect. An expert in explosives and demolition, hangin’ out with a single, presumably hetero, woman. Seems an odd combo, that’s all.”
    Keko felt her hackles rise in defense of her best friend. “You have a problem with Kamaka?”
    “Are you kidding? Hell no, he’s a hoot. I already love the guy to pieces. Lucian is all right with him, but I’m not sure about Adam. Our alpha lad may take some finessing.” Lorelei grinned. “Which could be fun.”
    “I don’t know how you do it. I can’t manage to keep any one guy for more than thirty seconds, let alone two men forever. Plus a career? Plus a baby on the way?
    Damn.” Keko frowned at the insistent cat, who cared not at all about Keko’s problems.
    “Believe me, relationships and motherhood were not even penciled in on the short list imprinted on my government-issued brain. But Adam and Lucian? Kismet.
    Destiny. It’s tough to explain. I guess the simple version is that each of us complements the others. I lived alone quite comfortably, worked my ass off at my job, gave my all to the FBI, the CIA, then to the NCS. Now, I can’t even contemplate being alone again. Not ever.”
    Lorelei rubbed her still-flat belly. “Seeing the guys with a baby should be a laugh riot. After visiting North Carolina for a couple of weeks, surrounded by the insane antics of his lunatic family, I know Lucian will be a natural. His thundering herds of nieces and nephews adore their Uncle Lucian like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He even changes diapers like a pro, forms his own assembly line.”
    She laughed. “Adam, not so much. He’ll need to work on his parenting skills. But he’s so happy … .” A liquid shine highlighted Lorelei’s soft brown eyes. “So happy.”
    Keko felt a lump in her throat, found it difficult to respond to such honest emotion. She finally managed a weak smile. “I’m beat. Sorry to be the party pooper, but this tired camper is headed for bed. And thanks again for putting us up in your home.
    This place is truly awesome.”
    “Hell, I’m right behind you as far as bed goes. I’m glad you like the digs, but I can’t take any credit. The boys told me that they upgraded the outbuildings when they bought the place, but kept all the original architecture. They extended the scope of the outdoor facilities, had the firing range installed in the underground training room. One of Lucian’s sisters, Julia the designer, handled the entire interior. The guys even have a housekeeping service. I could get to be a seriously lazy bitch.”
    Lorelei stood, brushed the last of the sugar cookie crumbs from her lap. The cat jumped ship once again, launched off Keko’s lap to search out the morsels.
    “Besides, are you

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