Colony One

Colony One by E. M. Peters Read Free Book Online

Book: Colony One by E. M. Peters Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. M. Peters
as did she – there was a distinct youth about her, but also a disposition of patience and wisdom. It was jarring at first, but the juxtaposition quickly became an attractive quality.
    “That is a beautiful antique,” Niko spoke for the first time since boarding. He had pried himself away from the briefing area to investigate the arrival of this new person. His tone was neither derogatory nor ironic, he seemed to genuinely appreciate Finn’s large-lens camera.
    “Thanks!” She pulled the strap over her head and closed the distance between she and Niko, offering it to him to take a look. “I have found the imperfections of the older models add a certain realness to my photos.” She explained, her accent less pronounced as she adjusted to the excitement of boarding the Hyperion.
    Niko gently accepted the camera, took the opportunity to introduce himself, and then put his eye to the small viewfinder.
    Charlie took a half step forward, and with a grin, tipped an invisible hat, “Charles Foster – but you can call me Charlie.” She smiled and tipped an imagery hat back.
    “Doctor Winston Waltham,” the doctor followed suit and they shook hands.
    When the Russian didn’t take the opportunity to introduce herself, Charlie did it for her. “That’s Makenna Krasnov. She’s our engineer.”
    “Privet,” Mak said hello in Russian, but remained engrossed in her project.
    “Should I be worried half the decking is currently ripped up?” Finn asked casually. As she did, she heard the shutter snap of her own camera and looked over to see that Niko had taken her picture.
    It wasn’t an accident. He smiled, “How often does the photographer ever get her picture taken?” He asked and offered her the camera back.
    “Never,” she confessed.
    “So where is our fearless leader, eh?” Winston asked, seeming both anxious and bored all at the same time.
    “Probably off somewhere making the ‘hard decisions.’” Charlie joked.
    “Not yet,” Avery answered from the base of the stairs that led up to the bridge with a stony expression. She took measured steps to climb to the upper platform where she found Charlie blushing. “But I’m sure the time will come. Are you the bellman now as well as the pilot?” She asked, eying Winston’s bags and finally cracking a hint of a smile.
    With chagrin, Charlie finally dropped the bags.
    “Hey!” Winston protested as the sound of glass coming together could be heard when the bags hit the bulkhead.
    “I thought this was supposed to be a mission of peace,” Niko vocalized what everyone seemed to be thinking when their eyes fell on the side arm Avery had strapped to her thigh.
    “I don’t leave home without it, let alone earth.” Avery patted the pistol, then went to rest her hands on her hips, “Take off is in 30. Krasnov, get this bridge put back together and everyone else, report to your stations for launch.”
    Just as suddenly as she arrived, she disappeared, leaving the rest of the crew temporarily stuck in their places.
    “What kind of a contractor did they say she was, again?” The doctor asked.
    “They didn’t,” Charlie answered.
    Makenna put the bridge back together with an alarming speed. Charlie had asked her if she thought she’d put everything back right, and learned very quickly to never ask that kind of question again. Everyone was strapped in and ready to go when mission control gave them a green light to push off without fanfare. The task force launch date had been kept a secret, along with the names of the crew to avoid protests, harassment or infiltration from the more cynical members of Citizens United. As a result, there were no crowds and no onlookers to see them off.
    Charlie piloted the Hyperion off the ground with practiced ease and after the brief violence that always came with breaking through the ozone layer, they were flying smoothly.
    “You’re right, Mak, she does fly well.” He commented once he had the initial headings

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